Kelly's Deal

Hi, I'm Kelly Kunik, author of Diabetesaliciousness; a Diabetes Advocate; Writer, Humorist and Expert at Living Life with Diabetes Consultant.  
I've been a PWD (person with diabetes) for over 30 years. Diabetes is a huge weed whose tendrils have wrapped tightly around her family tree.
Simply put, I come from a long line of Type 1's, including two sisters, my father, my mother (she was just diagnosed with type 2), two aunts, a cousin, and my nephew. I also know the pain of losing a loved one with diabetes, because my sister Debbie died of diabetes complications in 1991. I think about her every day.
I have a unique perspective of being a daughter; sister, niece, cousin, and the aunt of someone with type 1 diabetes. I see diabetes from all sides, and that helps me to understand diabetes from not only a diabetic’s point of view, but family members as well.
I believe in empowering patients and their families through laughter and knowledge and know first hand the importance that knowledge; insulin pump therapy, Diabetes myth busting, laughter, and exercise play in managing my life with diabetes. My goal is to encourage others to become empowered and own their diabetes!  

You can find me writing for several on-line diabetes publications and recently, I was lucky enough to be a featured guest on the nationally syndicated radio show, “Diabetes Living Today.” 

Companies and organizations have hired me to speak in front of numerous patient groups, diabetes events and diabetes clinicians.

I've consulted regarding living with diabetes and sit on an advisory board for Roche Pharmaceuticals. 

I'm all about spreading diabetes validation through humor, ownership, & advocacy!

My greatest weakness (my broken pancreas) has become my greatest strength - and for that I am grateful.

Sidebar: I'm also passionate about cupcakes, the ocean, the color green, traveling, manatees and Mad Men.