Sunday, November 28, 2010

My Sister Sans D, Sees (And Is) The Best Part Of Me ~

I'm no longer a kid with D, but I was once, a long time ago~

And my sister Cathy, who is my only sister sans D continues to rock my world!

Kelly & Cathy 19??

Cathy & Kelly, Christmas Day 1978 or 1979

The Kunik sisters, #6 & #5 @ the beach~

Family by birth, friend by choice
Caring type 3 -
Who sees (and is) the best parts of me.
Sweet to my tart
and Keeper of my heart...
She's my big sister Cathy & I love her.
kelly kunik~


  1. Beautiful pictures. Beautiful memories. Beautiful life.

    God Bless!

  2. OMG! You are both gorgeous! Love your post. I have an amazing sister too. Sisters are the BEST! Thanks for joining in the D-Sib fun, Kelly. xo

  3. AWWW...fantastic! Love the photos and that she is such a great supporter of you and a wonderful friend Kelly.

  4. Wonderfully beautiful post, Kel. God Bless.

  5. love the old school pics! What an awesome sis! Thx for posting :)

  6. I love the poem at the bottom.

  7. What sweet pictures Kelly. I'm so glad you have such a beautiful sister to love, and to receive love from. Family love is priceless!
