Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Thankful For....

I'm thankful for:

Family as friends
Friends who I consider family
Drs. Banting & Best
My Diabetes On-Line friends and family
My nieces and nephews
My mom still being here
Bristol Palin not winning DWTS – I don’t watch the show but I’m thankful she didn’t win just the same just the same
Unprompted I love you's, hugs & kisses from my friend’s kids
Unexpected gifts in the mail – More on this in a later post
Little things that mean a lot
The fact that pickles are considered free food
Hand written letters and cards
Comfy comforters
Gut feelings & listening to them
Dark chocolate as a great source of anti oxidants
Generous samples from my Endo
Loud Belly laughs (or as my niece & nephew call them “Kelly Laughs”)
Helping hands- both virtual and in IRL
Experiencing my goals becoming my reality
Being loved
Movies that make me laugh and cry
Out of the blue phone calls from old friends
Finding 10 dollars in a pair of jeans or handbag I haven’t worn in ages
The combo of mashed turnips & potatoes
A hot tea mug warming my hands and my belly
Reading (or writing) a blog post that makes me laugh or cry

That I have memories of my father that make me smile

Knowing I’ve helped someone who needed help and keeping it to myself

Thanking someone whose helped me when needed it and telling everyone how fabulous that person is
Finding flashes of inspiration on a dreary day

South Park and Family Guy episodes that make me ROTFLMFAO

Figuring out how to achieve Blood Sugar Nirvana with Cupcakes & the occasional ice cream cone

Knowing and experiencing first hand that HOPE does indeed float


  1. What a lovely list Kelly. I am thankful for many of those things too...and you. Happy Thanksgiving dear Kelly!

  2. Great listing Kelly. We are thankful that we met and that you are in our lives. Have a blessed Thanksgiving my dear friend!

  3. Awesome list of thankfulness :)

    Thanks for being on my list.

  4. Great list!
    Thanks for making me smile:)

  5. Happy Thanksgiving, Kelly.

  6. What a wonderful collection of things to be thankful for. I'm also thankful for a wonderful friend like you!!!
