Diabetes will not make me dance in the devil in the pale moon light - though I'm always intrigued by that particular visual.
Diabetes will always make my handbag heavier to carry than most -and sometimes my heart too.
Diabetes always seems to make me have to explain and interpret what it means to be a person living with diabetes to others who just don't get it.
Diabetes makes me see things that others do not - and that's not a bad thing at all.
Diabetes makes travelling with only carry-on luggage a slim to none possibility - As does my love of shoes and having varied wardrobe options for weekend getaways.
Diabetes requires me to continually think in terms of numbers. And sometimes those numbers make me string together four letter words that would impress George Carlin, Lenny Bruce, Kat Williams, Lisa Lampanelli & the likes there of.
Diabetes causes all sorts of bells and whistles (both literally and figuratively) to go off at the most inopportune of times.
Diabetes requires me to be flexible, even when diabetes is being an inflexible little bitch!
Diabetes has caused me to have super Diabetes Savant powers including, but not limited too; guesstimating the correct carb count of a cupcake purely based on size, circumference and icing to cupcake ratio of said cupcake, powers of invisibility in regards to changing my infusion set in front of others but having no one actually see me do it, copious amounts of empanthy, and amazing powers of deductive reasoning in regards to continually learning from every single diabetes experiment I do in order to achieve good numbers.
Diabetes has given me new friends and family - and the majority of those I have yet to meet in real life!
Diabetes has given me a passion, and that passion has given me a diabetesalicious voice that I'm not afraid to use. Diabetes has allowed me to flip my Diabetes Bitch Switch, for all the right reasons. Diabetes requires me to "think like a pancreas" and have the confidence of a 5 year old.
It's obvious why diabetes makes me think like a pancreas, but think like and have the confidence of a 5 year old?
OK, go ahead, ask a 5 year old what they want to be when they grow up and they will tell you at least 3 different things, and they will absolutely believe that they are the person who sets out to do be and be all those things.
As far as diabetes and my life in general - I plan to think like a 5 year old more often than I don't.
I say, damn the torpedo's, batten down the hatches and go for it!
I plan to see and achieve life's possibilities, instead on focusing on the boundaries, both inside my head and out!
So my chickies, what has diabetes given, done, and or inspired you to do?
diabetes has made me extremely compassionate to others with medical issues and people in need. i find many of my fellow DOCers have the same trait :)
ReplyDeleteDiabetes has made me appreciate everything that I have in life. I realize that yeah, diabetes sucks, a lot. But I can still walk, and I can still see and hear, and that's something I'm grateful for every day when my feet hit the floor in the morning. Diabetes has made me think about everything I do with a different intensity than I would without it, because I need to make sure everything that I'm doing is going to keep me healthy, and keep me safe.
ReplyDeleteas a parent of a 2 yr old PWD, it's appealed to the OCD side of my personality in that I actually don't mind all the carb counting and calculating. it's improved my math skills. it's reinforced my skepticism of medical professionals. it's made me really glad that my daughter doesn't have something worse.
ReplyDeletediabetes has shown me that my 7yr old is even more amazing that I thought she was before dx; that some people don't and won't ever 'get it' and I have to accept that and move on or it will bury me; that sometimes people on a computer or phone screen are closer than those standing next to you, and that's OK, no more than OK, it's fabulous!
ReplyDeletethanks for being a part of the DOC that I've found and giving me a glimpse into my daughter's future, bitch-switch and all! :)
Diabetes has enabled me to find new friends through the DOC.
ReplyDeleteWhich in turn, has helped me to "not sweat the small stuff" and laugh even when I'm frustrated.
Thanks to you and others:)!
There's not enough space to go into all of what D has given me!! I HATE that it's hurting my girl... But I've made new friends, gained confidence in myself, learned what's really important in life, had wonderful opportunities, gained a zest only found when you are doing what you are mist passionate about, became an advocate, learned that one voice really matters... I am thankful for that!!
ReplyDeleteI know a 5 year old who wants to be a teacher, a "Targeter" (person who checks you out at Target- think we go there a lot??), a member of Congress (she thinks making laws andnridintnthe underground train would be cool)... And an endocrinologist!! :)
To speak and to advocate. To encourage and hopefully inspire. It has made me take pause and enjoy the moments I have in this life with my children...with my husband.
ReplyDeleteThank you, thank you! Finally, a PWD to whom I can relate. I sent the BitchWit post to everyone I know. I don't have a blog, but check my Flickr stream–you might appreciate the pump hanging on my chaps in my ID photo (http://www.flickr.com/photos/42915603@N08/). I guide horseback in the high country in
ReplyDeleteWyoming in the summer, and people are always asking why my cell phone works and their phone won't.
As for this post, diabetes has made me realize that life is fatal, but it doesn't have to be serious.