Friday, April 15, 2011

What I Will......

The following is the result of a 3 minute free write exercise . I set an egg timer for 3 minutes and wrote down what I wanted out of my life. This is the result. I started out by saying " I WANT" and quickly changed it to "I WILL," because lets face it, I WILL is much more proactive and positive.

What I want is to live to live this diabetes life and help others to do the same and I want to work in a job that puts me in daily contact with other people living with diabetes.

What I want is to be understood and to understand others.

I WILL live this diabetes life and help others do the same.

I will find and a perfect trifecta of a job that puts in daily contact with other people living with diabetes.

I WILL be understood by others and I WILL understand others.

I WON'T be labeled or defined by my faulty pancreas, but I will be inspired by what living with a faulty pancreas represents.

I WILL continue finding confidence and being inspired by my diabetes on-line community and I WILL continue to pick my self up by my bootstraps and inspire others to do do the same.

I WILL find love and happiness in myself and in others.
I WILL STOP seeing what I did wrong and be like Thomas Edison, who thought there was no such thing as a mistake, only lessons on the way to what works in life.

I WILL remember my past & learn from it for my future.
I WILL find love and have a family and you know what? I really believe that I will.
I WILL laugh more and cry less - But I will keep in mind that tears are important and are nothing to be ashamed of.

I will encourage others to laugh more and cry less - And if I have to do something silly to make that happen, then so be it!

I WILL learn and try something new each and every day of my life.

I WILL buy a house and make it a home.
I WILL see each one of my nieces and nephews be happy. The same goes for my friends.

I WILL be proud of myself and I want to be proud of those that I love. I WILL keep learning from myself and others and I WILL keep teaching myself and others.

I will continue having empathy, but I will continue flipping my Diabetes Bitch Switch whenever it's needed.

I WILL MAKE the media get diabetes right instead of continually getting it wrong - even if that means annoying the shit out of them. THIS MEANS YOU READERS DIGEST.

I WILL CONTINUE TO BECOME- And I that is a wonderful thing~


  1. I love this! I may have to try this exercise out for myself. (It's probably the only kind I actually like!)

  2. This is wonderful, and I suspect you WILL inspire others with it. :)

  3. I will continu to read you every day because I'm a type 3 mom and you inspire me.

    I will do everything in my power so my son sees that living with D is ok and that life with or without D is great.

    I will write more often in english so I get better at it.

    I will continu just like you, to be a diabetes bitch when ever its needed!! lol

    You're great, hope you know that!

  4. Great article, keep up the good work.
