Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Ich Bin Ein Typ 1 Diabetiker....OR Mein name ist Kelly und ich bin ein Typ 1diabetiker

So, I found a sight that would be interesting for those of us who might be traveling in the next few months. A free online translator site called WorldLingo
cally, you just type or cut & paste what ever phrase, words, or documents you like translated into over 15 different languages.

I think it's a wonderful tool for many reasons, espe
cially for those of us who have to carry medical documents regarding our diabetes arsenal.

I think Jeff is aware of this site. Si
nce he told me "I rocked" in Portuguese on my last post, a big shout out goes out to godat! .

Here are aome "travel friendly phrases" that might help us out on global trips that Diabetesali
ciousness readers plan to take!

I'm only printing those languages that we could attempt to speak due to recognizable alpha characters.

Key Phrase number 1: "I'm a type 1 diabeti

French: Je suis un diabétique de type 1

German: Ich bin ein Typ 1 diabetiker - Er aah, kind a makes me want to say in a thi
ck B-aston accent, "Ich bin ein Berliner "

Italian: Sono un diabetico di tipo 1

Portuguese: Eu sou um tipo 1 diabetic
Spanish: Soy un diabético del tipo 1
ch: Ik ben een type 1diabeticus - Ok, I'm dying to say "I'm Diabeticus!"

Swedish: Förmiddag I en diabetiker för typ 1 - OK - Ever watch the movie "Splash"? I'm thinking about the scene when John Candy's
chactor, speaks Swedish to the gaurds. He impresses them with certain phrases regading "body measurements" he learned by watching Swedish "Art" films. That's all I'm saying!

Key Phrase Number 2: "I'm a diabeti
c, I need to get to a pharmacy or Dr. immediately!"

French: Je suis un diabétique, je dois arriver à une pharmacie ou à un Dr. immédiatement !

German: Ich bin ein Diabetiker, muß ich an eine Apotheke oder an einen Dr. gelangen sofort!

Italian: Sono un diabetico, devo ottenere ad una farmacia o ad un Dott. immediatamente!

Portuguese: Eu sou um diabetic, eu necessito começar a um pharmacy ou a um Dr. imediatamente!
Spanish: Soy un diabético, necesito conseguir a una farmacia o a un Dr. ¡inmediatamente!
Dutch: Ik ben een diabeticus, moet ik aan een apotheek of Dr. krijgen. onmiddellijk!

Swedish: Förmiddag I en diabetiker, behöver jag att få till ett apotek eller en Dr. omgående!

Key phrase number 3 : "Ex
cuse me, do you know where the bathroom is?"
ch: M'excusez-vous, savez-vous où la salle de bains est ?

German: Mich, entschuldigen Sie wissen, wo das Badezimmer ist?

Italian: Lo scusate, sapete dove la stanza da bagno è?

Portuguese: Desculpa-me, você sabe onde o banheiro está?

Spanish: ¿Me excusa, usted sabe donde está el cuarto de baño?

ch: Me, excuseert weet u waar de badkamers is?

Mig, ursäktar du vet var badrummen är?

Key phrase (s) number 4 : Yes, I' m a diabetic, and yes, I know I don't "look" like I am.

Yes. I'm allowed to eat chocolate, now shut up and give me some!

Your Mom!!

ch: Oui, je suis un diabétique, et oui, je sais que je « ne regarde pas » comme je suis.

Oui. Je suis permis de manger du chocolat, en ferme maintenant vers le haut et me donne !

Votre maman ! !

German: Ja bin ich ein Diabetiker, und ja, weiß ich, daß ich nicht wie I Am. „schaue“.

Ja. Mir werde erlaubt, Schokolade zu essen, jetzt oben schließe und gebe mir einiges!

Ihre Mamma!!

Italian: Sì, sono un diabetico e sì, so che “non osservo„ come I Am.

Sì. Sono permesso mangiare il cioccolato, ora chiudo in su e mi dò alcuno!

Il vostro Mom!!

Portuguese: Sim, eu sou um diabetic, e sim, eu sei que eu “não olho” como eu sou.

Sim. Sou permitido comer o chocolate, fechado agora acima e dou-me eu algum!

Seu Mom!!

Spanish: Sí, soy un diabético, y sí, sé que “no miro” como soy.

Sí. ¡A me se permite comer el chocolate, ahora cierro para arriba y me doy alguno!

¡Su mamá!!

ch: Ja, ben ik een diabeticus, en ja, weet ik ik niet als ik ben „kijk“.

Ja. Ik mag chocolade eten, sluit nu en geef me wat!

Uw Mom!!

Swedish: Ja I-förmiddagen en diabetiker, och ja, vet jag att jag ”inte ser” förmiddag för något liknande I.

Ja. Tillåten förmiddag I att äta choklad, stänger nu upp och ger mig något!

Din Mom!!


  1. awesome!
    i love translation websites one of my favorites is altavista and using the babblefish translator :)

  2. Thanks Kelly, this link is just the reason why I should not be allowed to surf in the late afternoon at work ;-)...

    Kathy's Helpful PWD Travel Phrases

    English: I would love a large, jelly donut.

    No, I did not get diabetes from eating sugar.

    Why yes, I think you're an idiot!

    Do you have any Diet Coke? I may die if I don't have some soon!

    Spanish: Yo quisiera un grande, buñuelo de la jalea.

    No, no me conseguí la diabetes de comer el azúcar.

    ¡Claro que sí, yo pienso que Usted es idiota!

    ¿Usted tiene Coque de la Dieta? ¡Puedo morir si no tengo alguno pronto!

    French: Je voudrais un grand, beignet de gelée.

    Non, je n'ai pas obtenu le diabète de manger du sucre.

    Pourquoi oui, je pense vous êtes un idiot !

    Avez-vous du Coke de régime? Je peux mourir si je n'en ai pas bientôt!

    German: Ich würde ein großes, Geleekrapfen lieben.

    Nr., erhielt ich Diabetes nicht vom Essen des Zuckers.

    Warum ja, ich denke, sind Sie ein Idiot!

    Haben Sie irgendeinen Diät-Koks? Ich kann sterben, wenn ich nicht einiges bald habe!

  3. Jules -
    Translation websites rock!
    I will checkout babblefish ASAP - THANKS!

    Araby62 -
    Don't blame me for your late afternoon habits. I actually7 added some of my original search phrases, after reading your post. I tried to be get some serious info for my Diabetesaliciousness readers, but obviously, translation sites can make u translate ANY & ALL PHRASES just fir the hell of it!

  4. Hi Kelly.

    Yet another great service to the D.O.C. you have provided!

    I just hope I never have to do "carb math" in another language.

  5. Jeff -
    Glad u like - thanks for thanks for the inspiration. Looking back,
    I probably should have gone w/ "Diabeticus" as the post title. But I wasn't sure how many people would actually get the "Spartacus" reference. Plus, the German phrase really reminded me of JFK's famous"Ich Bin Ein Berliner "speech/Simpson's reference and shout out to Mayor Quimbly play on words!

