Friday, March 9, 2012

Diabetesaliciousness - Lite TIME Edition: Spring Ahead, Check Your OneTouch Ping's Time/Date Settings & Rich's Waltz Across America!

This edition of Diabetesalicious - Lite is all about time: As in date and time; time 'springing" forward, time and date settings, and the time it takes to walk across the country while raising money for Jr. Adventurers with diabetes!

This Sunday March 11th, is all about DayLight Savings Times - which goes into effect at 2a.m. Sunday morning.
So don't forget to "spring ahead" and set all your household/car clocks (and change your smoke alarm batteries) one ahead hour. Look, Daylight savings is happening whether you remember to set your clock ahead or not, so DO IT.
And while we lose an hour of sleep, we gain an hour of sunlight, which is always a good thing in my book!

And speaking of daylight savings time and setting clocks, don't forget to set the clock on your insulin pumps ahead.

And if you happen to wear an Animas OneTouch Ping, the folks at Animas want you to be sure and check the time and settings on your pumps. WHY? Because Animas identified an issue affecting a small number of OneTouch Ping patients who attempted to make changes on their time and date settings on their Pings on leap year, Feb, 29, 2012.
Many of you (myself included,) have already tweeted the info and posted the it on facebook, but I thought it wouldn't hurt to post on the blog too!
According Animas, on 2/29/12 Z(Leap Day) some users reported that their pumps software didn't recognize changes that they'd attempted to make to their time/date settings.
Animas recommends that all their patients verify the time and date on OneTouch Pings.
If you notice that the time/date is incorrect, correct your settings immediately and test your bloodsugars!
Animas has sent their patients a letter regarding this issue and copy of the letter can be found HERE.

Speaking of time, how long do you think it would take to walk or (Waltz) across America?

Now you can actually find out,(without actually doing all that walking) and raise money for diabetes awareness at the same time!
Rich Humphreys is 69 years young and has lived with Type 1 Diabetes for 55 years, the fact alone is inspiring right there.
But besides that enormous dose of inspiration, Rich is a a PWD/Adventurer, and a Joslin Award 50 year medalist - I kid you not
Rich has a zest for life, a penchant for exercise and he digs adventure in all forms!
Rich backpacked around the world in in 1975 and cycled across the United States in 1976, both feats occurred before the advent of glucose meters!
At the end of March 2012, Rich will walk from Walnut Creek, California to his home in Pennsylvania to raise awareness about type 1 diabetes and show children living with diabetes (and their parents,) that they can be Adventurers in every sense of the word!

Rich's walk is also raising money for Destiny, Diabetes Camp For Children - An awesome cause and experience for CWDs who like adventure and extreme sports.

You can read all about Rich (and donate to his cause,) by clicking HERE!

Have a great weekend and enjoy the extra hour of daylight!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. And Happy Change Your Lancet Day! :-) I forget til it hurts ;-)

  3. thanks for bringing my attention to rich's journey. AMAZING!
