Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Today's Giveaway: 5 Cool Diabetes Cats - All Named Lenny The Lion

Today's giveaway is all about cuteness times FIVE in the form of 5 Lenny The Lion giveaways!!
Disclosure: Medtronic was kind enough to donate today's giveaways, but all thoughts on my blog are mine. 

Lenny The Lion is SUCH a cutiepie! 
Today's Diabetesalicious giveaways (note I said "giveaways" because there are 5 giveaways today which means there are 5 winners) is courtesy of Medtronic and is in the form of a snugly cutiepie named Lenny The Lion. 
Lenny's one cool diabetes cat. He was dx'd in 2006, is an Ambassador for diabetes education and dude even has his own website:  & his own free carb counting app designed to help children and adults learn how to count carbs. Lenny's app is available for the iPhone/iPad (available in Spanish also), Android, and on Lenny’s website.
Sidebar: I used and reviewed the app a few years ago. You can read my review HERE

The 5 winners of today's Diabetesalicious giveaway will receive: 
 One Lenny® the Lion Plush and Pump Carrying Case (Note that this is the small pump carrying case, not the large Lenny that is made by Build-A-Bear) and one MiniMed 530G Backpack to tote Lenny around in. 

How to win: Leave a comment saying why you think having a diabetes buddy is important and why you'd like to win today's giveaway. 

As always,this week's winners are picked via & will be announced here on the blog Friday morning.
Everyone entering the contest must either have diabetes (doesn't matter what type of diabetes you have, what type of pump you wear or if you take shots,) or be a caretaker/loved one of a person with diabetes.


  1. I would love this as I adopted a family with a child with T1D for Xmas .. this could be a great "post Xmas gift" for her!

  2. Me and my son would love to have Lenny at our home!

  3. I've been trying to get a Lenny for my daughter since she was put on the pump four years ago! She loves stuffed cats of any kind and sleeps with all of them. She'd love a Lenny!

  4. A diabetes buddy is super important for kids (and teenagers, too!) because diabetes can be hard to do alone, and having something soft and cuddly to hold is super great.

  5. Having a diabetes buddy is so important because living with this diabetes is hard, and we should never have to handle diabetes alone! I love Lenny - he rocks!!

  6. My daughter would love a Lenny the lion. She sees me dealing with my type 1 all the time, and I know it impacts her greatly. He could help her feel some confidence in knowing what's going on with her mama. And cuddling helps too, of course. :)

  7. Having a Dia-buddy is so important, especially for younger kids. It helps them see that they are not alone. My 5 year old would love to win a Lenny the Lion.

  8. Having a buddy is important, child never was attached to any stuffed animal but after she was diagnosed and received Rufus in her bag of Hope from JDRF she has been super attached to him. He goes everywhere with her. She'd love to have a Lenny!:)

  9. Having a diabetes buddy is important as it keeps me sane! We're all in this together.
