Today's diabetes free write, ( Free write: set the timer for 20 minutes and write about 1. a set subject(s) or 2. whatever pops in your head without stopping & then elaborate) was originally inspired by the following hashtags: #Diabetes & the #DOC. Then I read Kerri's post asking us to join her on her #walkwithD journey and campaign.
I'm in and I love it!
It's totally and completely relatable to anyone living with diabetes and if you haven't already, (which I'm sure you have,) READ IT NOW. I added the #walkwithD hashtag to my free write because it inspired me!
Diabetes doesn’t make me a victim, on the contrary, diabetes has made me a survivor and part of a global D Clan of others who speak the language of diabetes fluently and in all dialects.
For the record: Sometimes my diabetes speaks in intangible tongues - just because it can.
Diabetes doesn’t stop me in my tracks, but there are moments on my #WalkwithD when diabetes forces me to stop, assess and take a few beats and or glucose tabs... before I continue in full speed ahead, mode.
Sidebar: Sometimes it takes a while to get back in 'full speed ahead,' mode.
And it is in those exasperating moments when I lose my footing, that the DOC helps me forge ahead.
Diabetes has cultivated patience with myself... and with others - And that’s a really good thing... except when I'm running low in the patience department, which usually happens right around the time I'm running extended high/lows in the blood sugar department.
Living with diabetes is not a character flaw, regardless of what the media says.
Diabetes requires that I speak up for myself and others - And diabetes also requires that I listen and learn from others.
Because I have diabetes, I found the Diabetes Online Community - And the DOC showed me that I am NEVER alone in my life and my life with diabetes.
Diabetes doesn’t keep me in chains. The only chains I wear are the ones that I impose on myself. #fact
There are moments when diabetes pisses me off - And I have to forcibly remind myself that anger is indeed a great motivator - And it is in those moments where my community totally "gets me."
Diabetes NEVER takes a day off, even when I do.
Diabetes is indeed a life sentence... LIFE being the operative word.
Most of the time my glass is more than half full because I have access to insulin in a world where so many do not.
Like everyone in the DOC, I #walkwithD, ALWAYS.
And we are in this together!
Gooooo Team! Thanks for the inspiration.