Wednesday, May 18, 2016

#DBlogWeek Day 2: The Other Half Of Diabetes.

The 2nd day of #dblogweek ( I'm a day behind, it's really day 3- don't tell,) and it's all about the other half of diabetes, aka, emotions.

This post is focusing on one particular emotion and it's called GUILT. 
And please forgive the fuzziness & lack of text - I just had surgery.


  1. Kelly, I referred your Vlog to the TUDiabetes blog page for the week of May 16, 2016.

  2. Fuzzy as a newborn puppy and twice as cute!
    I'm glad your guilt at having Diabetes is fading as if you weren't we wouldn't have met - many people wouldn't have met you and then where would all of our lives be? A few cupcakes less and half as happy :-) Feell better soon and can't wait to hear "tomorrow's" Vblog!!
