Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Olivia Ann Kunik - I Will Love & Miss You Forever

My magnificent 19 yearold niece Olivia Kunik left the world on Tuesday, January 8th 2019 and my family is heartbroken.
Olivia was magic - incandescent, bright, funny, talented beyond belief and filled with love  - she was radiant and a ray of sunshine.

We lost her to suicide.

My fantastical niece struggled her whole life with treatment resistant depression and mental illness - and she was always transparent and incredibly candid about her struggles - though when you were around her - you rarely saw her sadness and struggles.

And our Livy helped so many friends, acquaintances and yes, even strangers seek help with their own depression and MH issues.

Depression and mental illnesses are diseases  - very real ones - that have the potential to take the ones we love from us.
Livy loved everyone - sadly, she didn't love herself enough and had difficulty seeing or believing in the magic she possessed.

I'm sharing because I don't want anyone else to suffer from a suicide tragedy.
 Our family is talking about our loss to save lives and to keep Livy's memory alive.
If you or someone you love is struggling, you are not alone and your life is worth living.
Please call 1-800-273-8255
Or text 741741 & someone will respond and reach out.
 Please take a moment to click on the link below and read about the magic that was our Livvy.

Liv was also a diabetesaliciousness Rock Star back in 2008 - she stole many hearts in the Diabetes Online Community with her humor; candor, Love of all things Jonas Brothers - especially Nick, and wise-beyond-her-years demeanor and POV. Click on the link below and you'll see what I mean. .

And in Liv’s memory, do something silly and fun.

Here are some recommendations directly from our Liv: “Perform a random act of kindness, share your favorite meme, make a prank phone call, sing your favorite song, spin until you are dizzy, make music with pots and pans, stomp on grapes in the bathtub, give names to your body parts (Liv’s pinky toe was Lois), cut your hair and regret it later, see how many licks it takes to get to the center of a tootsie pop, get a pet rock, decorate it, name it Glenn, and take it for a walk.”

Flying out to Colorado tomorrow to celebrate Liv’s life with family, her friends, and an entire hometown that loved her heaps.
I love you so damn much Olivia – and I will love and miss you forever.
Every night I will look up at the stars, looking for your sparkle and listening for your laughter. 

I will talk with and to you every day and write you a long letter very soon - but right now I’m struggling to say goodbye to you my darling baby girl - and I’m struggling to understand why and cry every day.

I hope you found peace, Liv - I really do.
I'm not there yet and continue to seek peace and understanding as to all the reasons why you are no longer on this earth. 
 #LivForLiv #LivingForLiv


  1. Wow she did blow up your blog in 2008. Thank you for the shout out to mental health. I also suffer from depression and except for good fortune, there go I also.

  2. I am so sorry Kelly, this breaks my heart. My mom also died of suicide so I have some small idea of how complicated and just.....extra this sort of grief is. My condolances to you and your family.

  3. Have never commented here before, but after reading about her as a child and then reading her obituary - I am in tears that such a radiant light couldn't find the power to keep shining. I wish you and her parents and entire family a comforting memorial. I hope her memories will be a blessing to you all. I'm so sorry.
