Wednesday, January 5, 2011

I Just Got Of The Phone With Ricki Lake's Publicist.......

The diabetes on-line community was understandably upset this morning when Ricki Lake referred to Juvenile Diabetes being "preventable" and being caused by childhood obesity this morning on Morning America. The video can be seen HERE.

Many posts and facebook statuses have been devoted to the topic, and our community has once again rallied together and made their collective voices heard.

This afternooon I reached to Ricki Lake's Publicist and left a DETAILED message regarding said slip of the tongue and how it affected our community.

I received a call 15 minutes later from Ricki's Publicist, and he was more than willing to hear me out as I said how a simple slip up like Ricki's not only hurts our feelings, but perpetuates diabetes myths and stereotypes in the media!
And i mentioned that people with diabetes and their families struggle with people perceptions of our disease (both type 1 and type 2) every, single day and that the media RARELY gets it right.

Her publicist told me that he'd been talking with parents of children with diabetes since 8 a.m. this morning! (Sidebar: YOU GUYS ROCK) and how he understood their concerns and was doing his best to make it right!

And you know what folks? I'm going to give credit where credit is due here.
Because unlike the callousness and bullshit of both Hallie Berry & The Onion PR Reps, Ricki's publicist not only apologized on behalf of Ricki and himself, he put his money where his mouth is as soon as he started hearing from you guys!

Because of YOUR efforts, Team Ricki Lake is taking their apology a step further by turning a negative step into a positive direction, publically!

Ricki will be appearing on the Joy Behar Show tonight and will apologize at the beginning of the show. And tomorrow, GMA will be issuing another formal statement of apology along the same lines.

Personally, I'll be tuning in tonight because I believe that people make mistakes, diabetes and otherwise. And if people can admit those mistakes on television and shine a BIG SPOT LIGHT on our diabetes cause, I'll give them a second chance. And if they don't.....
Ricki, just don't prove me wrong!


  1. 1OO% agree, very well said!!

    I think that "we" all will be watching!!

  2. C'mon Ricki, you better do us right now!

    thanks for kicking ass K2. LYLB!

  3. Awesome! I hope she follows though and gets it right.

  4. Thank you Kelly! It feels so good to know we have good peeps like yourself our side!

    I wish I could have been a fly on the wall listening into that conversation...or a bug in the phone I suppose...but I'll let my imagination fly and picture it as pure Fabulousness! THANK YOU!!!

  5. Hooray! I am so pleased to hear that Ricki and her publicist are being so proactive to correct her mistake. I wish Halle Berry, Oprah and Dr. Oz would have done the same. We are STILL hearing people say, "But I heard on Oprah that your daughter's diabetes can be prevented," insinuating that my husband and I must be too stupid to figure out how to change her diet and get her to "exercise more." Thank you, Kelli, for calling them and for letting us know what you find out.

  6. You are amazing!!!!! I will definitely have to watch tonight (or DVR it LOL). I will give her the benefit of the doubt..... hopefully she makes it right and gets her facts straight! :)

    Thank you for once again fighting the fight! :)

  7. How did I miss this? This is awesome.

    I never thought I'd say this, but Oprah could learn a thing or two from ol' Ricki.

  8. This is fantastic news Kelly! Thank you for your part in this.

  9. I agree in giveing credit where credit is due also. I believe this is the first time it will be "made right" (hopefully). Good for you Ricki. I can't say the same for Oprah and Dr. Quack(oops, I think I mean Dr. Oz).

  10. I hope you are right, but nothing upsets my 16 year old daughter with type 1 more than when people ask her if she got diabetes from being fat when actually she was a very skinny 11 year old when she was diagnosed and we all know that there is no cure for Juvenile Diabetes.

    Thank you for taking the time today to call Ricki's publicist.

    You Rock!!!

  11. I love that! I am so impressed with out community. I always am. :) You'd think I'd have been used to our awesomeness by now. :D

  12. Whoohoo! The DOC is a strong force and one not to be reckoned with! Ill be watching as well! Your rock KellY!

  13. I hope the rest of her book is better researched...

  14. Watched the first few minutes of this earlier and it did seem a genuine 'live TV' mistake. So good that she seems keen to set the record straight. Here's hoping the media finally start getting the story straight.

  15. You rock for calling her publicist and stating an important message loud and clear!!! Thank you!!!

    I so appreciate that her publicist called you back and actually listened to what you had to say. I also appreciate that she's willing to publicly acknowledge her mistake so quickly.

    Thanks again!!!!

  16. HI FIVE to my T1 Peeps :)

    I think we spoke to the same guy...and I have to agree...he was AWESOME! The way they've taken action so quickly and have responded to our community speaks volumes about the credibility of their organization.

    Kudos to them for being so proactive...and KUDOS to the DOC for being on top of the game!

  17. Awesome job Kelly! Glad to hear they are stepping up and doing the right thing, with a little prompting from the good ol' DOC!

  18. btw, I sent you an email... hopefully it didn't go to spam!

  19. Here's the correction on ABC's web site



  20. I totally agree - second chances are needed. I think she either got confused or just made a clear mistake. I have always found her thoughtful and insightful when she speaks. I'll be tuning in tonight to see what she says... Thanks for contacting her publicist Kel - you rock!

  21. Amen, sister! I choose to believe that it was just done out of either ignorance or a slip. I mean, how can I fault others for not knowing when that was me about... a year and a half ago! I think it's great that they are so willing to apologize and fix it. Or try to. Way to go, K2! Thanks for taking it on!

    Btw.. I think she spells it HALLE. Those of us with the I know you can't cure T1! ;) hee hee!

  22. Awesome!! Thank you Kelly for speaking up for all of us! You Rock!

  23. Hey Kelly,I was wondering if GMA reaction was suppose to on air because I and several other moms just watched GMA and there was no retraction on the show this morning.

  24. Awesome job Kelly! Glad to hear you try to set them straight. Best of luck in your efforts on that
