Saturday, November 13, 2010

On A New York Bound Train

30 posts in thirty days continues with poetry on a train.
Impromptu, and written somewhere between Philadelphia & Trenton on my trusty iPhone~

On the New York bound train
To go & see what I can see.

Meeting up with diabetes friends
at New York's Historical Society,

To view first hand the big
exhibit on insulin's famous discovery.

Doctors Banting & Best's gift changed the world in oh, so many ways.

Giving life to us all, including that little girl, whose become the woman whose post your reading today!

The next stop is Trenton
And then Penn Station,

But what about the cure?

Will the day ever come when we can finally say: we don't have diabetes anymore?

Posted by <span class=ShoZu" border="0">


  1. Enjoy! Give Manny a hug from me and then ask him to give you a hug from me. ;)

  2. Love the poem,. Kelly! Have a great time at the exhibit, and say hey to Manny and others who are there!
