Tuesday, May 17, 2011

File Under Awesome: #DBlogWeek,#DSMA/#Wegowebinar, Fresh Lancets, Fresh Batteries, Walking & Sweet Potato Fries


1. Diabetes Blog Week was fanfreakingtastic!! Big shout out to Karen for putting it all together & making it happen two years in a row!!

2. There's a hell of a lot of new diabetes blogs out there, people!

3. Mr. Mike Lawson has a wonderful video thanking Karen, and it can be viewed HERE.
It's filled with lots of loves and laughs! And Hallie from the Princess & The Pump has an extensive video containing all the participants logos & d-love, HERE.

Cherise Shockley , founder & creator of Diabetes Social Media Advocacy (#dsma) chat on twitter ever Wednesday night. Cherise was the special guest of last night's #WEGOwebinar: Expanding Your Health Advocacy: Twitter Chats & Beyond.
I logged into the webinar late, but I can say in all honesty that Cherise rep'd the DOC but good! If you missed all, or part of the chat, the recap and link to the recorded webinar can be found HERE.

SHOCKING DISCOVERY: Recently I've come to the realization that if I keep a bag of lancets next to the meter in my bedroom that I use for middle of the night and first thing in the morning checks, I'm more likely to actually change the lancet first thing in the morning.
Who knew?

DIABETES FASHION FILE: Now that spring is here, and this Diazon is all about embracing my spring skirts and dresses, I've added new triple AAA batteries to all my handbags. That way whenever I switch out my bag I have fresh spare battery in case my pump battery craps out.
Since I placed the batteries in my handbags on my birthday weekend, I have a gage in my head as to how old they are. It's a total win -win situation.

I'm Walking - And Not Just After Midnight!
OK, just so we're clear hear folks, I'm not a hooker, "Walking After Midnight" is a song/song title by the late, great, Patsy Cline. GOOGLE IT.
Anyway, I've started walking again, with a short term goal of walking 5 times week, for a total of between 5 and 9 hours weekly. last week I exercised via walking for 4 days, for about 50 minutes a pop. It felt good to get out and move again! Hopefully my scale will eventually reflect all my efforts.

Blood Sugar Nirvana Alert: On Friday night I dined on Alexia brand, Spicy Sweet Potato Fries. I sprinkled those bad boys ever so lightly with parmesan cheese, and YES, Blood Sugar Nirvana was indeed achieved. Pre-blood sugar meal was 130. Three hours later, post blood sugar meal was 144. And I was quite the happy camper!

Did Alexia pay me in the form of money and or fries to write this?
Unfortunately, no they did not, nor do I think that they are even aware that I'm mentioning them in my blog post. This is just the honest, gut reaction my gut had to their fantastical fries. Seriously good stuff folks, and totally bolus worthy!

Care to share any of the things you'd like to "file under awesome?"


NeurosurgeryNP said...

Awesome Kelly. You, are awesome!

Great post!


Kim said...

I am absolutely hooked on sweet potato fries, 1. because they're delicious, and 2. because the same thing happens to me - great numbers afterwards! :)

Stephie said...

i LOVE those fries. and am seriously addicted to sweet potatoes. so bg friendly AND so delish.

Lorraine of "This is Caleb..." said...

I'm loving that fried recommendation. I've eye-balled them, but haven't taken the big step of purchase. Thanks for the tip!

Stephanie said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog. :) I am an avid lurker/reader of yours.

We totally dig all of the Alexia products...especially those sweet potato fries, yum!

Anonymous said...

Love those fries...need to add them to my 'list' for the store today, thanks!
My awesome thing for today is the beautiful new leaves on all of the Birch trees. That 'spring green' in contrast to the evergreen of all of the spruce trees always makes me smile. That and close to 18 hours of sunshine is AWESOME!!

Rachel said...

Alexia, oh how I love thee product.

Unknown said...

We LOVE Alexia fries! I'm too tired to file anything under awesome right now, but I'm sure I'd have a few if I could just think!

cherise said...

Thank you, K2 for the shout out! I was nervous as all get out! What's up with sweet potato fries? yucko lol