Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Postcards From The Diabetes Edge: You're Going To Need A Bigger Bolus

Spending the day at Crumbs Bake Shop - Wish you were here!


Anonymous said...

...and those cupcakes look so worth it!!!

Holly said...

Yum, they look delish!! : ) Aim higher with that bolus!

Val said...

Carrot. Cake. Cupcake. OMG, I'm drooling all over my desk. Eat one for me!

Penny said...

OMG. Happy bolusing!

Lora said...

MMMMMM!!!!! That's all I've got... well, that and a lot of licking my lips because they look so... MMMMM!!

Bennet said...

I love this. It like you know your a red neck but in a tilted positive diabetes kinda way.