Sunday, November 3, 2013

Today Was Perfect - Even When My Diabetes Was Anything But~

Action and reaction, ebb and flow, trial and error, change - this is the rhythm of living. 
Out of our over-confidence, fear; out of our fear, clearer vision, fresh hope. And out of hope, progress. - Bruce Barton 
Today was one of those days filled with the love of wonderful friends who are family, food in the form of lobster mac N cheese, salads, veggies, cupcakes in multiple sizes and flavors and a Winter Sangria that was outstanding!!

There was copious amounts of love and laughter and memories from long ago.
 Today we celebrated a baby who arrives in a few months and who will create new and amazing memories for all of us who already love him, sight unseen~

Yep, today was perfect. 

As far diabetes was concerned - Today was far from perfect - And I'm still waiting for my blood sugar to come down. 

But here's the thing: Regardless of diabetes misbehaving - It didn't become the main focus of this perfect day - And I win~


Holly said...

Oh my goodness, that sounds worth it!! Yum, what a gathering. : )

Hope you come down soon! And you're right, it's usually worth it. Mary Claire had a Red Velvet cupcake she picked out last night, but was too high to eat last she had it for breakfast! Wrong on so many levels, but just go with it. : ) Hugs!

Laddie said...

A lovely post about how wonderful a day can be along with acceptance of yourself and your diabetes.

Scott S said...

I hear you. The think is, diabetes rears its ugly head sometimes when it wasn't invited and you try to work around it. I was in DC a few weeks ago and things were going pretty well, and all of a sudden, my Dexcom alarmed and I thought it was low because I totally SWAGed my meal bolus at a restaurant, but it wasn't low, it was high so I checked with a fingerstick. $#!t ... 260 and rising. Correction, here I come. Why couldn't it give me just one day off?! That's why I'm only lukewarm to the "Day with Diabetes" ... it should be more like a week with diabetes, because a day isn't enough to get a true taste. Maybe next year!!