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I'm still here :) |
44 years ago today I was diagnosed with diabetes.
44 years of living with a busted pancreas.
44 years that I've been here, that I wouldn't have been if insulin had never been discovered.
As Diaversary tradition and in no particular order - my diabetes life gratitude list.
- I’m still here
- Rooibos tea - my latest obsession. Actually, I’ve been drinking it since maybe 2005, but the last few years I’ve become OBSESSED with it
- Being an auntie to my nieces and nephews - I love them more than words can express
- My sister Cathy
- My family
- The Diabetes Online Community - Finding my tribe ROCKED MY WORLD & continues to do so, each and every day
- Sex
- The beach
- The ocean - there’s a reason we are three-quarters saltwater
- I’m a kickass soup-maker with an impressive soup repertoire
- Trump no longer presides at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
- Wide shoes that aren’t ugly
- Theater - I can’t wait to go back!
- Books
- Beuno Bars - Seriously, GIVE THEM A TRY
- Teal Green and Chartreuse
- Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups
- Friends who are family. You know who you are and I love you
- Dogs
- Photography. I love taking pictures and people em to like my images. Also love learning about the history of photography and photographers
- Peanut Butter. I LOVE IT
- Kismet. When it happens it’s magic in action
- Being my mother’s daughter. Marjory was the strongest, kindest woman I ever met. Being her daughter is an honor
- I found a hidden twenty in my wallet last week - AWESOME
- Insulin. It keeps me alive. Unfortunately, it’s fucking expensive and people are dying because they can’t fucking afford it and that’s gotta change!
- A bold Lipstick - it’s seriously life-changing, empowering, and energizing
- A really gorgeous and well-made coat. Instagram #coatporn, you’ll see what I’m talking about
- Having a roof over my head
- Diabetes Advocacy
- Purple
- Indie coffee and tea shops
- Diabetes technology
- Movies
- Pete Souza
- Dorothea Lange - If you don’t know about her - watch Grab A hunk Of Lightning and prepare to be inspired
- Traveling. I miss it-can't wait to get back to it!
- Manatees
- Gardening
- Having enough oat milk for my morning coffee
- Perfectly seasoned, well-done home-fries
- Music
- Reconnecting with old friends
- Making new friends
- Getting lost in nature - on purpose.
Kelly, Congratulations on 44 and all the wonderful things these years have brought you. Thanks for sharing and being such an awesome part of the diabetes community!
Congratulations, Kelly! Forty-four years living with diabetes equals tremendous persistence and requires a deep resolve to get up every day to face and tackle the challenges that lie ahead. Thank you for sharing your life filled with joy and beauty and for all of the support and love you show the diabetes community and the rest of the world.
Rocking 44 even more than you were rocking 43 !!!
Cheers to 44 years, KK!
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