Friday, May 11, 2012

Spring Cleaning Your Diabetes

Spring is all about rebirth and regrowth. The sun shines more often than not, the flowers bloom like crazy and for the most part, folks seem to have an extra spring (pun totally intended) in their step!
And people embrace a concept known as SPRING CLEANING in all aspects of their lives.
Closets and drawers switch out from winter clothes and leather boots to summer and spring fashions and strappy sandals almost over night.
People Spring Clean their homes and their cars. On the first sunny warm Saturday in spring, it seems like everyone and their mother takes their cars to get cleaned and there's like an hour wait (AT LEAST) at the car wash.
But what about Spring Cleaning for your diabetes & your health in general? Do you guys do that?
And by Spring Cleaning I mean all sorts of things - not just organizing your supplies.
OK, I'll start. I saw both my Eye Doctor and my Endo in the past few weeks (ironically, both those visits were scheduled months in advance and within days of each other) and yesterday I made a long over do appointment with a Dermatologist to get all my freckles checked out. I'm getting a full body check - I'm not looking forward to it. But it has to be done!
And I'm trying to eat salads every single day. Really big fat rainbow hued salads loaded with all sorts of healthy stuff!  And actually, the whole big tasty salad thing is a pretty easy habit to get into.
But a healthy habit I'm having an problem with is exercise. I REALLY need to exercise more - I've been lacking in that department as of late. I just haven't been able to stay motivated.
But last night I went shopping after work and tried on bathing suits - And it was a MAJOR FAIL.
So yeah, that right there should have been a damn good motivator.
With that being said, ANY & ALL advice on the exercise front would be greatly appreciated!
Re: Diabetes Supplies: That's the one thing I'm really good at keeping organized - No if only I could be as organized when it comes to my closets.....


Sarah/@smartDpants said...

I'm by no means an expert on anything exercise (!), but I started walking again last week and have gone 4 times so far! about 30 mins., no expectations except getting my butt out the door and STARTING. So that's all I'll say--just start. Do something that's easy and fun, or at least that you don't hate, and just do it. One time. Then you'll have one done. :) Just go out the door. :)

StephenS said...

Everyone (Every.One.) goes through this. I have to agree with Sarah. Getting going is the biggest thing right now. Also, keep going. Every day doesn't have to be your best effort. Just keep going. You'll get there. And remember, like with diabetes, the past doesn't matter as much as the future. Good luck!

Sara said...

I need to make a dermatologist appointment too. I had a scary mole removed years ago so I need to keep better track of any changes.