Friday, March 28, 2014

Diabetesalicious Lite: Let Your Voices Be Heard & Keep Rocking The Diabetes Advocacy!!

All of us living the diabetes life know that test-strip and glucose meter accuracy are two crucial components of maintaining our health when it comes to living with diabetes. We all want and demand to StripSafely
And here't the kicker - it turns out that the FDA is willing to discuss that very issue with us a community on Monday, March 31st from 1:30 to 2:30 pm, est. 
Bennett Dunlap will host the chat with FDA Expert Courtney Lias. Here's your (OUR) chance to talk, ask questions, listen, observe & have our voices be heard.  But you in order to do all of that and more -  you need to register -  CLICK HERE !
Another key component is access to every person living with diabetes, including those on Medicaid and Medicare to have access to the latest in diabetes medical technology, 
Catherine Price over at wrote a great piece on competitive bidding and insulin pumps for people with diabetes on Medicaid and Medicare - FYI: Diabetes Technology is just as critical for PWDS over the age of 65 as for those under:
To quote Catherine: We in the diabetes community need to speak out to argue that a. insulin pumps should be removed from competitive bidding and b. that if they remain in the  competitive bidding program, CMS must use a different process to determine reimbursement rates, so that cost-saving does not stifle innovation.
We have until midnight tonight to tell CMS (Medicare/Medicaid law makers ) our thoughts on competitive bidding and insulin pumps (as well as other DME and supplies) for Medicare and Medicaid - Let you're voice be heard by clicking on the following link!documentDetail;D=CMS-2014-0029-0001

The DOC is an amazing community because of the people in it - Thanks for being part of the awesomeness and keep on rocking the diabetes advocacy!

1 comment:

Alecia said...

BAHAHAHAHA. Thanks for the laugh K2! xo