Here’s to World Diabetes Day and every single person effected with this disease.
Here’s to everyone spreading the truth about Diabetes, not the fallacies!
Here’s to Jane and Joe Six-pack realizing the differences between t1& t2, educating themselves on our disease- and never, ever asking a person with diabetes, if “we are indeed allowed to eat that?”
Here’s to all of us owning our disease instead of Diabetes owning us.
Here’s to the Children with Diabetes who are wise beyond their years and to their parents who are always there them, 24X7.
Here’s to the siblings of all the Children and adults Diabetics. Thank you for looking out for us, even when we torture you for it.
Here’s to all of friends – Thanks for always accepting who we are, faulty pancreas and all.
Here’s to the research for a cure in our life time -lord knows we need one!
Here’s to celebrating who we are as both diabetics and people. Each of us are individual pieces of art. Imperfect, yet perfect in our own way, and who bring something unique and wonderful to the table of Life.
As promised, here are the results of my world Diabetes Day Contest. I gotta be honest, this was really hard for me, because I truly wanted everyone who entered to win.
Thank GOD my mom did the choosing, because I was REALLY TORN and if I had my way, everyone would have received a WELLalarm.
So, here's what went down - sans the crazy work schedule and prepping for my mom's Doctor's appt this afternoon - we are finding about her surgery to day - please keep your fingers and toes crossed!
First – I went and took a picture of my self all in blue – to show that I was wearing the color of the day.
I then wrote everyone’s name down on individual pieces of paper, cut & folded said pieces of paper to place in my trusty DESA sports cap.
Then, I filled my DESA Hat with the “HOPES: of all
Next, I had my mom reach inside the hat and pick the winner.
The winner is Karen from Bitter-Sweet Diabetes, whose hope was to always HAVE HOPE.
CONGRATS KAREN! And to everyone else who wrote such heartfelt, funny, inspiring, and straight from the heart hopes for World Diabetes Day. I truly thank each of you for your participation, your inspiring words, and your friendship! - YOU ALL ROCK IN MY BOOK!
Love the pics! Great smiles from both you and your mom. Fingers and toes crossed all goes well.
Woo hoo for Karen! ;-)
Happy WDD!
Here's to always being imperfectly perfect to those that matter, faulty pancreas or not (maybe one day soon).
Here's to Hope too....
You two look fabulous.
Thoughts and prayers with you, your mom, and the rest of your crew.
OH MY GOSH!!!!! Okay, now I've completely forgotten everything I had in my mind to write for a comment because I WON!!!! I can't believe I won! This is too incredible. Wow. I won.
{{deep breath}}
I have to tell you, I seem to have a knack for blog contests. I've won quite a few and I feel a bit guilty. But so thrilled!!! Eeeeeeee. Thank you so much to you, your mom and Stephanie.
Phew. Okay now, my thoughts and healing energies are going out to your sweet mom. And I'm going to drink a toast to all of your "here's to . . ."'s. A toast with diet Coke, 'cuz there are too many for me to toast with wine - I'm a light-weight. LOL
Happy World D Day. Oh, and my Word Verification for this comment is "redoses". As in the doses of insulin you have to take when your pump had a blockage the first time you boluses??
How fun! Congrats to Karen. (I'm just a teeny bit jealous). :P
Yay for Karen!! And I love the blues both you and your mom are wearing! Happy WDD!
Just wanted to say great blog and prayers for your mom (and you too)
kelly! you're so photogenic, and I can see where you get it from- your mom looks so lovely! I hope the appointment went alright.
congrats to Karen!! Great post :)
Damn you Karen!! Congrats girl you deserve it! Awesome contest Kel!
Awesome post and the best reveal ever!
You are BBF. Best Bacon Friend, and so much more!
CP -
Glad u like the pics, and thanks for keeping your fingers & toes crossed!
Scott -
Thanks for the compliments & the good wishes!
it was crazy - but your name was indeed pulled out of the hat by Marjory K.
And thanks for toasting to her good health, we appreciate so much!
Better luck next time and (HUGS)!
Lora -
Glad you like our shades of blue - it means a lot coming from a a Color Tech such as your self!
Jim -
I'm glad you like the blog and thank you for your prayers - they really mean so much !
Lea -
THXS for the compliments! My moms the real beauty, wait until I post her pixs from her days in The ICe Capades!
Gina -
Play nice! KIDDING ;) Glad u like the contest!
I'm glad u liked the reveal - not quite as kicking as your song, but I tried! ;) Your my Best Bacon Friend 2!!!
Thank you all for your kind wishes for my mother, it means more than you know!
Hey K2,
I read your interview over at the OC site and wanted to comment there, but couldn't (?)
Anyway, GREAT interview! I learned so much about you. I had no idea you had so much history with the Big D, or that you did standup! Will you shoot a video sometime?
All the best,
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