I had a meeting with me, myself and I last night, and we all came to the conclusion that I need to start logging my numbers. Meaning I need to physically write and record my numbers instead of just hoping that the memory and settings in my glucometer will do the trick. NEWSFLASH: It doesn’t.
I also need to start writing down what I eat so I can be more aware of eating habits, both positive and negative.
Why the sudden interest in getting all OCD with the logging?
The reasons are simple.
- I test like crazy, somewhere between 10 and15 times a day, and that’s pretty fantastical on my part. The actual testing itself is not the problem, but keeping records of said testing is. I want to be able to look at my Dr. in the eye when he asks about logging and hand some records.
- I’d like to lose a few lbs. My weight been holding study all winter, and I’m glad for that. I haven't gained any weight, but I haven't lost any either. Those last few lbs I’ve been want to lose are sticking to me like white on rice.
Tweaking my basal rates has certainly helped with the lows, so I got that going for me. But keeping a journal of both my numbers and what I eat will help me attain the goal of losing 5 to 7 pounds.
- My next meeting with Gary will be remote. It will still be face to face so to speak, but this time it will be over our computer monitors instead of at his office. So the more info I can email him before our actual online face to face the better.
- Bottom Line: I need to log in order to continue owning my diabetes.
I know "logging is in my blood," both literally and figuratively, but I was wondering if you guys have an advice in the logging area?
Do write your numbers in a book or use a soft program? What works for you?
I wouldn't survive without the One Touch software and the uploading cable. I used to do the same thing everyone else did back in the old days (strategic stains placed on the log sheets, curmpling the paper, using different color inks, all to suggest I'd been logging all along and not just the night before the appointment!). Now I love-love-love being able to just print off a copy downloaded from the meter. The One Touch is OK, not great, but I do use the averaging to keep on track when I'm not studying the numbers.
Love the photo!
I don't have any advice...but LOVE the vintage photo. Thank you for sharing.
Logging is tough - but it sounds like maybe you just want to log like crazy for a while to get on track, then you can back off a bit?
Did you ever use Kevin's excel logbook? I know I have it still if you'd like to look at it. Hard to use on the go, but when you get back to your computer maybe you can back-fill from hand notes?
Yes, logging is tough but a necessary item in anyone's D-Life. I've historically slacked in this area myself, and to some extent still do. Traditionally, I've been unimpressed with all the computer software and logging sheets from my doc, as it didn't include enough spaces for ALL my tests or other info with a 4+ day single page view of my numbers. Created my own Excel spreadsheet to give me what I want. Now, I've been on MM Carelink system for a month or so but sadly it doesn't do as much good with my MDI exploration (it's designed for pumpers, afterall so you can't just insert what insulin you take outside of the pumping) Lately, I've started using a Web Portal being developed by a local Indy D-Dad and the company he owns, and I'm very impressed with that project so far. Still being worked out, but it has some really interesting features that are being unveiled for the Indy area and hopefully at some point the larger national scene. More to come on that... But that's my pair of cents.
There's so much talk about logging lately. I find this interesting.
No matter how many fancy, schmancy log apps I try, and I've tried many, and much to my dismay, many I cannot even use bc I'm a Mac, but I digress, I always revert back to my Excel spreadsheet. I use this because it's malleable to my needs and it's easy to input. I don't have any fancy pie charts or anything, but I am able to see trends and include food, etc.
I'm happy to share, though I suspect you would probably want to tailor it to your own priorities.
This is my downfall as well....seems like such an effort after all of the testing I do...LOL
When I am feeling extra motivated or have an uncoming appt (sigh), I use the Medtronic Minimed log, whihc you can download from their website. I beleive you can order small books, about size of a checkbook, if you hate dragging around the paper. It does give space for food, corrections, bolus, etc.
Love your blog by the way!
I've always used paper when I've logged, then input it into a spreadsheet later (I use those little books that come in the box w/ glucose meters). It's just the fastest and easiest way when I'm out and about. I have tried to use the Dexcom to log insulin/carbs, but since you can't go back and enter something if you forget (or miscalculate) which I often did, I stopped because the incomplete data was just confusing.
I've never been very good at logging, either, but now that I'm pregnant, I have to send my numbers to my endo weekly.
I've found that the MiniMed CareLink system works pretty well if you run the right reports. I send my doctor the "Modal Day Hourly" one and the "Data Table" one. He loves them. I like the Data Table the best because it is basically just a data dump, so it does not try to interpret your numbers.
One tip, though: The system gives me trouble on Friday afternoons ... I think they might have a bandwidth shortage.
Your grandad is a great looking guy and that's a way cool picture to have. You're lucky.
When forced to log, I use paper and pencil and then transfer to Kevin's spreadsheet every afternoon. Even I started to see what was going on when I actually logged EVERYTHING.
So I haven't been owning my diabetes like I should and your post made me think about that. What I usually do when I do keep track, is I keep a spreadsheet. I only record the date/time and number. However, i think I'm going to get a little notebook and carry with me so I can keep up with what I eat and the numbers too.
As a Mom of a T1, I log like a champ, I gotta admit. It's the only way I can see trends in Miss G's ratios and such. It's the one thing I have stuck to since day one and honestly, it has benefited me the most during this journey.
I buy the little $1 spiral notebooks at Michaels and then label each page with T/M/BGL/C/I on it and write her ratios at the bottom B-10, L-15, D-20 and 9.5L. (Somehow, I know you all know the initials and what they stand for.)
The little notebooks have saved me time and energy and frankly, sometimes that little notebook is the only thing that I can control in this crazy disease. Somehow they give me some sense of order, if that makes any sense at all.
I've never logged. :-(
The Dexcom means I can just download values. But I wonder if logging would help me think more about the values that I do have, giving me a chance to do some introspection. I wish you the best of luck with this.
I feel you on this one. I have the spreadsheet, the log books, the cable link for my meter, etc. But I just can't seem to stick with logging for more than a few days. My "on the fly" D management only goes so far. I think it's that we know we can't possibly capture all the variables, so the thought of it becomes overwhelming. Also some deep resentment about spending any more time of D than I have to. OK, so there are the barriers, now how to get beyond them??
Hi There! (She's alive! She's alive!) Yes, and watching Glee, gleefully! (P.S. I have my ticket to the live Glee show already purchased.)
Anyway, thought I'd chime in. I'm permanently attached to my iphone and I find the Glucose Buddy app to be pretty good. Each time I test, eat or bolus, I plug it in. You can check your logs on the phone, and you can go to the Web site to print out all sorts of neat graphs, charts and info.
I thought it would be a pain to do, but it's actually pretty easy. Way easier than when I hand-wrote everything out then transferred it to the computer.
Good luck.
(P.P.S.) I think you'd make a wonderful logger. My guess is you look awesome in plaid.
(P.P.S.) re: the dentist. Just think of him as like Santa's elf, the one who went to the Island of the Misfits? He was nice.
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