Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Wordless Wednesday: Totally Bolus Worthy - Yo Gabba Gabba Style ~

Unless of course, they're totally BOLUS WORTHY.
Photo courtesy of my iPhone - And a bakery I happened to pass by while exploring the West Village one Sunday afternoon~


Anonymous said...


Now I'm going to have "There's a party in my tummy, so yummy, so yummy" in my head all morning.

Steph said...

That. Is so. cute!

The Diabetic Camper said...

that rocks

Mike Hoskins said...

This could very well stay in my head and cause my to sing at all hours while I'm awake, and then cause crazy nightmares while sleeping... What a fun post!

Meri said...

I love the cake. And I thank the good Lord that my boys JUST MISSED he yo gabba gabba craze!

Anonymous said...

LOVE it!!
Totally ready for a party in my tummy!!!