February 25 & 26,2012
Philadelphia Marriott West
West Conshohocken, PA
Even though I only attend one day of The Children With Diabetes Friends For Life Conference in 2010, I can tell you that it changed my life for the better. CWDFFL was like coming home to Diabetes Land. People who live with diabetes (or whose children, siblings or spouses live with diabetes) are the majority, not the minority. And everyone understands and speaks the language of diabetes, fluently and in all its dialects.
It's a fantastical thing to walk around and learn about diabetes with others who know first hand what your going through. Plus, you also learn the parents perspective, which was incredibly eyeopening to me as former child with diabetes. Same goes for me being a sister, daughter and aunt of someone with diabetes - And a diabetes blogger.
The Program of Events for the 2012 Tech Conference includes all types of interesting/timely topics including but not limited to: CGMS & New Technology talks, advanced pumping concepts, managing technology in school, managing diabetes stress & burnout (YES), making sense of data sensors , sports exercise & bg control, managing hypos, infusion set and sensors, a group workout, discussion group for parents of teens, etc.
I know that I'll see some of you there and I can't wait! And for those of you who won't be attending, I'll give you the 4-1-1 when I return.
Have a great weekend guys!
It came to my city last year. The conference was AMAZING! We are planning on going to Florida this year. The experience for my daughter was the best, seeing so many people that were just like her. I think for her her favorite memory was swimming, she couldn't believe that 90% of the kids had to get out to check. She LOVED being a majority and not the minority. Anything to make her feel special.
The CWD Technology conference was here a few months ago, and it really was fantastic. First time I'd been, and now I'm hooked. Have a great time!
I love attending diabetes events. Good luck.
Looking foward to the 411! Take lots of notes!
PS the second word in my word verification is, "have lows." Please don't have lows at the conference, ok?
Hope you are having a fantastic time and I can't wait to hear all about it!!
Hope you are having a fantastic time and can't wait to hear all about it!!
Have fun, K2!
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