Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Multiple Choices Of Awesome Wednesday

It's all about having choices in life .... Choices are a good thing - And sometimes you get multiple choices of awesome!!

With that being said - It's still hard to make a decision. 

I mean on one hand, there's the Enchanted Unicorn bandages which are totally cute, not to mention "enchanted. "
And there's the added bonus of the rainbows and stars - Which always = awesome.
But on the other hand, there's the Cupcakes bandages, which have "the healing power of cupcakes."
And let's not forget the sprinkle factor - VERY IMPORTANT.
Personally, I've experienced the "healing power of cupcakes" first hand many times - And it's both awesome & tasty!

Both come with a free a free prize inside... So no tie breaker there.

Hmmm..... what to do... WHAT. TO. DO.

You buy both, that's what you do!!

B what would you do? 


Sara said...

I'd buy both but because I am impatient, I would wear both at the same time. I would use one for an actual boo-boo and the other one would be make believe. ;)

Alecia said...

I *might* make-believe 2 boo-boos. Or a bandaid over a scar.

Anonymous said...

both, of course!!

we have a bit of a band aid obsession around our house ;)

Brianna said...

I would choose both as well! Don't make me choose!