Monday, October 29, 2012


Keeping this post short & sweet thanks to Hurricane Sandy. She's arrived in my town & she's making her presence known via torrential winds, rain & flooding.
The power goes off and then comes back on & the house literally shakes. I'm bunking with friends who live a few blocks down & I'm so grateful for the company!
I'm logging off to conserve batteries on my iPad, but here's how Sandy looked late yesterday afternoon.


Marie Smith said...

Please be safe. I have you in my thoughts. Sending love from Illinois.

Johanna B said...

stay safe and dry. My prayers are with you and those in the path of the storm. Grew up in New Orleans and know what it's like to ride out a hurricane.

StephenS said...

Lots of rain here so far, and the wind gusts come and go. Stay safe. Glad you have someone to hang with during this time.

Scott K. Johnson said...

Stay safe, K2! Check in as you are able.

Denise aka Mom of Bean said...

sending safe, dry thoughts your way!

Anonymous said...

The news is even hard to watch. Praying for your safety for those close to you dealing with Sandy.

Jason Pike
Orlando, FL

Scott S said...

You are in my thoughts, so glad to read your Tweets! Keep us posted if you need any D-Stuff!