Monday, July 22, 2013

4 Degrees Of DOC (Diabetes On-Line Community) Separation~

I felt a little funny writing this post & I wasn't sure how to go about telling this story, so I'm just going to tell you what was told to me.
And that it's about us, all of us in the DOC &  the power of our community - And how Health Care professionals are starting to "get it."  
So please know that by I, absolutely do mean WE, every single one of us in The fantastical DOC!
This past Friday felt like a Monday from hell at the office - It was crazyhectic - and not in a good way. 
When the work day finally ended,  I literally chilled out. I sat in the house with the air conditioner cranked, and in cotton PJ's and tuned out. I started reading Moira's book and was just about to get totally lost in it when my phone rang. 
My good friend C had called me to catch up. We hadn't talked since before my trip so we had a lot to chat about. We talked about the Children With Diabetes Friends for Life Conference and how amazing  was and how good being with others living the diabetes life made me feel.
We talked about how crazy her week had been and how she couldn't wait to relax. We talked about friends and the weather and how I'd been eating a REDONKULOUS amounts of Outshine Fruit Bars since the heatwave started. 
We talked about getting together sooner rather than later and as we were just about to say our goodbyes, she said: Oh my God, I have to tell you something!
Me: OK, shoot.
C: G (her friend with diabetes who'd just moved to our town last year and who wears a pump and a CGM,) went to see a new Endo on Tuesday and he really liked her.
Me: That's great & I'm so glad to hear that!
C: Yeah, it is - But that's not why I'm telling you. Turns out his new Endo asked him if he knew any other people locally who wore insulin pumps.
Sidebar: But seriously though, how flipping cool is that Endo. 
And at first he was like - No, I don't. But then he was like: Wait a second, I do know someone locally who wears an insulin pump. My friend Kelly Kunik wears an insulin pump. And then the Endo was like: Kelly Kunik, the Diabetes Blogger?? 
And G was like: Yeah.  And then the Endo was like: You need to hangout with her because she can help you connect with a whole group of people online that can offer you support when it comes to living with diabetes. 
It's called The Diabetes Online Community and it's a great thing!
And I was like: Come again??
And then I stopped in my tracks and really thought about it. It wasn't so much that she'd recognized my name, though I'll be honest with you, I was flattered. No, it was much more than that. 
It was that this Endo, who worked for a little out of the way satellite office of a very well known teaching hospital in another state, knew about and recognized the importance of the DOC collectively and as a group - And was telling her patient to get online and get involved. 

And G could have mentioned any number of names in the DOC if he'd known them in real life, and his Endo would have been familiar with them. And to me that was huge - And it's what all of us have been working towards and talking about for so long. 
Support when it comes to living with diabetes is incredibly important. To meet others online who walk in your diabetes shoes is an amazing thing. 
Together we give and get support and encouragement to one another and the loneliness that comes with living with a chronic illness dissipates and is replaced by a feeling of empowerment and confidence. 

People with diabetes are not the experts at treating diabetes, but we are the experts at living and dealing with diabetes, 365 days a year and with no time off for holidays or good behavior. Together, we move mountains.... Alone we trudge up hills. 

And the fact that medical professionals are starting to see how much peer support in the form of Diabetes Blogs, Vlogs, On-line Communities, DSMA, etc., is so incredibly important!

And at that moment all the negative of the day disappeared and was replaced by feelings of hope and acceptance and support.
And that my friends was and continues to be, an incredibly beautiful thing~

FYI: Today is all about #dblogcheck ,as in a "check-in" day!
So if you're checking in - I totally appreciate it and thanks in advance for reading/checking in/ slash stopping by!! Also, I hope today is a happy Monday for you, instead of Monday from hell! 


Anonymous said...

Very cool...not seeing an endo right now, so I appreciate that this one sounds like a really good one.

Rhonda B said...

Yes, yes, and yes! The DOC is amazing, and so lucky to have fabulousness like YOU involved! (see, you're famous! :) )

Karen said...

That is really awesome!!!!

Christina momof2t1s said...

It is great that an endo not only knows the DOC exists but knows names of DOC superstars like you and encourages patients to get connected. The doctor wasn't suggesting the patient go to the DOC for medical advice but to be connected. Its great to hear a medical professional recognizing the importance of being connected and supported and I hope more physicians will start suggesting the DOC to patients. they can always add a disclaimer that patients check back before making changes to their diabetes management plan and warn patients about the possibility of spam ads suggesting vitamins or home remedies (just to keep everyone safe and aware).
I know the DOC isn't for everyone - sometimes adding social media can be overwhelming to newbies - information overload. Its just good that a doctor recognizes the benefits.

Mike Hoskins said...

How awesome!!!!! This is so great, and you're spot on about it being so much bigger and to the point about what is needed. There are so many HCPs who are slowly seeing the benefit of the peer-to-peer support online and how that helps PWDs manage their own health, and it's great to hear these stories about that happening in the trenches. Thank you, thank you for sharing this Kel. Very awesome to hear, and even more great that your post comes on a MONDAY! Hope this one doesn't feel like last Friday, but a "real" Friday.

Emily said...

Happy #dblogcheck Day! :)

Scott E said...

Wow. You're a celebrity! And the endo knows about the DOC! I'm not sure which is more exciting...

Rachel said...

Not only is it great to hear that there are endos recommending the DOC, I'm encouraged to hear that the endo asked about other insulin pumpers, no one recommended that I connect with other pumpers, I wish they had. Connecting is amazing!

Andrea said...

Love this... "People with diabetes are not the experts at treating diabetes, but we are the experts at living and dealing with diabetes, 365 days a year and with no time off for holidays or good behavior. Together, we move mountains.... Alone we trudge up hills. "

Mrs. Harer said...

It's awesome to hear that this endo knew about and encourages his patients to get involved with the DOC. I feel like I've been fighting an uphill battle to get my endo and cde to acknowledge the DOC and it's impact on the lives of PWDs.

Tami Neumann said...

Awesome post! #dblogcheck Love the way you write

Unknown said...

This is amazing. I still haven't gotten up the courage to talk about the DOC with my diabetes team (well other than my husband) but this really makes me wonder if they're already involved in it.

Unknown said...

I like mentioning blogs to my endo and my healthcare team, just hoping that one day they'll make a recommendation just like this one to another patient!

laura said...

Wow, incredible and exciting! #dblogcheck

Jenn said...

I feel truly blessed to be part of such a great group of online family.

Pam Osborne said...

Very cool...for you and for the DOC!

surfacefine said...

This whole story is just wonderful! We need more Endo stories like this (and more Endos who embrace peer support).
And yes, I think you're a superstar too! xoxox

katy said...

what a good endo!

Sue Rericha said...

That's awesome!!! Happy #dblogcheck day!

Alexis Nicole said...

That's totally awesome!!

Anonymous said...

But doesn't EVERYBODY know K2?
Much love to you and all you do in the DOC.

Anonymous said...

Awesome!!! Love your blog and love the DOC!!

Kerri. said...

Checking in, chica!!

Meri said...

Love it! We know the DOC is powerful, it's about time the medical professionals realized it too!

Vicki said...

That's awesome! The DOC really is something, right?!

Unknown said...

DOC Power FTW! :) (Also, I've learned we are masters at acronyms)

George said...

That is so badass!!!!!!!!!

Dolores said...

You're a rock star! Rock on

StephenS said...

Just amazing, and cool, and great. Thanks for helping to move the mountains.

Lesley said...

I hope that endo's awareness of the doc is contagious!! Thanks for all of your great posts!

Anonymous said...

just plain amazing!! kudos to the endo for doing more than just medical stuff!!

Colleen said...

Pat yourself on the back!

Jess said...

check! #dblogcheck

Laura said...

I'm so happy I've thrown myself into the DOC! "Met" some wonderful people!

Tarra said...

That is so awesome. I know I get excited that my Dr. even knows that their is a large Diabetic community in general. I wish more would encourage diabetics to get support online. Sounds like we are moving slowly in that direction.

Tarra said...

That is so awesome. I know I get excited that my Dr. even knows that their is a large Diabetic community in general. I wish more would encourage diabetics to get support online. Sounds like we are moving slowly in that direction.

jcsamom said...

The DOC absolutely ROCKS!

carlyn said...

I always wish more Endos would recommend DOC connections. It seriously helps!

Unknown said...

Hi Kelly, just (DBLog)Checking in to say hello!

Allison Nimlos said...

That's so awesome that this Endo knew about the DOC. I had the Communications Director at my clinic recognize me from DiabetesMine, which was a bit of a surprise. I'm not used to being recognized ever, really, so it was really funny.

Joanne said...

You are totally famous! And props to the endo for realizing just how awesome the DOC is.

Stacey D. said...

I'd love to hear more doctors being aware of the community that's out there, mine included!

Mike Durbin said...

Great post, Kelly! Happy #dblogcheck Day! :)

traveller said...

Beautiful, beautiful post K2. I wish our practice would join the bandwagon. ~Ivy

Meredith said...

Enjoy your blog! First time to leave a comment. Mom of a T1D

Sara said...

Awesome story!

#Dblogcheck :D

Kim said...

Very cool. :)

Sean said...

Great post k2, on many levels. Thank you for helping move the mountains. Next mojito's on me. #dblogcheck

Ilana Lucas said...

Awesome! Nice to see there's at least one endo who understands the connective power of this community (and recognizes your greatness)...

Brea said...

How awesome! :)

Tim Brand said...

This is a classic. Great post! #dblogcheck

Holly said...

49 comments, you GO, GIRL!! : ) You're famous, Kelly..I love it!

We are a pretty awesome group, I know I've gotten great support, so thank you!! : ) #dblogcheck

Click said...

You ROCK Kelly!! What a FANTASTIC compliment to you & DOC and for a endo for being tech savvy enough to recognize the importance of the DOC. That is by far one of the best compliments I think a person in the DOC can receive from HCP! WTG!!!!!!!!!!

Scully said...

So refreshing. You're totally a celebrity in this world!
and I shared a bed with you at FFL last year! Too bad your idol'ness didn't wear off on me.

Jane said...

Wouldn't it be great if our endos, GPs, or family physicians (whoever comprise our medical team) check diabetes blogs, community boards and fora, and recommend a few, or at least one, to their patients, especially to the newly diagnosed ones? That would save a lot of their patients sleepless nights, anxiety and feeling of being alone.

Emily said...

The level of awesomeness is...inexplicable. The DOC is the best support group EVER, and for endos to realize this, and encourage patients to embrace would mean so much to those that feel so lost upon diagnosis.

Anonymous said...

Your post is awesome for many different reasons! The DOC is awesome and it is amazing to witness the medical community realizing what we have for the past 5-10 years.

Unknown said...

I know it's a day late, but SWEETNESS!!!!

Marie Smith said...

That made me smile. The DOC is amazing.

Laddie said...

This is a 2-day late #dblogcheck. But at least someone mentioned that we can call it #dblogcheck week.

What a fun post to read and hear of an endo who is prescribing the DOC. I hope that our "medicine" is on the insurance company's formulary:)

PancreasticMom said...

Great, great, great! Thanks for sharing! I'm a couple or 3 days late reading...hope you had a great #dblogcheck day:)

Bernard said...

Wow Kelly that is wild. I wish every Endo and endo's office was a well-informed. Imagine what that would do.

Happy #dblogcheck week (too lazy to do it in a day). I hope you're getting some relief from the heat.

Rich the Diabetic said...

Great story Kelly! You should get that endo's info and connect with them directly if you can? :)

Scott K. Johnson said...

What an awesome story, K2!