Thursday, November 13, 2014

Diabetesalicious-Lite: The Day Before World Diabetes Day 2014, Edition ~

World Diabetes Day, 2014 is tomorrow an if you're feeling overwhelmed, I TOTALLY GET IT.  
There’s stuff coming at us at all angles during the entire month of November and living with diabetes is more 365 days a year. So take a breath and then a beat, wear blue for Blue Fridays and rock on! 
While your at it, you can still send a world Diabetes Day postcard, even in the spirit of the WDD Postcard Exchange! 
Let's not forget that the date of World Diabetes Day, (November 14,) celebrates a man who saved millions of lives! Happy Birthday Dr. Banting - I LOVE YOU SO MUCH! 
On World Diabetes Day, there's a World Diabetes Day 24 hour Twitter Chat/Marathon, and yes, I will absolutely be participating in it & will be hosting the noon to 1 pm slot and tweeting my questions from my @diabetesalish handle.
You can read about the chat, (and is the brainchild of DCaf,) in more detail,  HERE.  
Also, here's the breakdown of the 24 hour WDD Twitter Chat/Marathon schedule re: time slots, hosts, topics & twitter handles. And don't forget to follow the #WDDChat14 hashtag!
FYI: #insulin4all, let’s not forget to put the WORLD back in #WDD.
There's also a World Diabetes Day Photo Scavenger Hunt - Check it out!
Today at 1pm EST, 10 am PT, tudiabetes is hosting a chat on Physical Activity & Diabetes, presented by the American Diabetes Association and The National Diabetes Education program. I have no doubt it will be a good one!  
Speaking of tudiabetesdon't forget to get your Big Blue Test on as many times as you can by November 20th Not only will you be helping yourself, you'll be helping others in the process! 

Beyond WDD: 
I received a press release from JDRF this week re: a workshop that was held by JDRF last month, here  healthcare experts from government, nonprofit agencies and educational institutions discussed expanding the definition of Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) to recognize the earliest stages of human T1D before a person is considered clinically symptomatic. 
The potential big benefits of expanding the definition of T1D could include faster drug development and identification of people living with the early stages of T1D, which could in turn lead to better treatments for people and families at high risk for T1D through screening. Check it out:
And Finally, file the following under: Navigating the Open Enrollment process with a little help from your friends~
The American Diabetes Association has  two updated fact sheets on the Health Insurance Marketplaces available at:  to help you navigate the open enrollment process.
FTR: Open Enrollment in the Health Insurance Marketplaces (Marketplace) starts November 15, 2014 and ends February 15, 2015. During this time, individuals and or families can shop for health insurance coverage and purchase/change plans.  Individuals CANNOT be denied coverage or charged more because they have a pre-existing condition, including diabetes and those who are eligible can get financial assistance to help pay for a plan purchased in the Marketplace. 

Lastly, have you noticed the cost of your generic drugs skyrocketing? 
If you have, you're not alone! And ye, it's total bullish*t!

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