Friday, September 21, 2012

Diabetesaliciousness Lite - The Hell of A lot of Acronyms Edition:

This Edition of Diabetesalicious Lite is heavy on the acronyms.  Acronyms like YDMV/FDA, TCOYD, WEGO, NO D-Day, and other cool stuffs sans Actonyms.
Things like Diabetes Art Day,  The Partnership With Patients Summit, Sleep Walk With Me, and   
Today is the kickoff of The Partnership with Patients Summit in Kansas City, Missouri and it sounds like a great event that will help Patient Advocates (and I'm quoting thier website here, ) "a place to network, learn and grow as patient advocates who focus on health policy ." It runs through Sunday and I'm not sure if you can purchase day passes or not, but I say if your near the Marriott Down Town, 200 West 12th St in Kansas City, Missouri, why not find out!
This is the weekend to get your Diabetes Art on.  Why> because Monday September 24th is the fourth annual Diabetes Art Day ( WOW, I can't believe it's the third one) and I've been gathering up my used diabetes supplies for months. So embrace your inner Picasso and give it a diabetes twist!
Info on how to participate can be found at:

Here come some Acronyms
Want a chance to let the FDA know what your thinking when it comes what diabetes issues you'd like them to address?  Well, Bennet over at YDMV can help us do that.
Checkout his step by step post on submitting an open docket to the FDA. Bennet spells it out for us and provides us with all the proper links and letter templates. As always, BENNET ROCKS.

If your live in, near, or not so near Des Moines Iowa this weekend, try your best to attend  the TCOYD (Taking Control Of Your Diabetes) conference at the Community Choice Credit Union Convention @Veterans Memorial on Saturday September 22nd. 
While on-line registration for the TCOYD is now closed but you can still register on Saturday by going to Hyvee Hall B.
The event features so many great speakers who will help you walk the diabetes walk/talk the diabetes talk, including lots of familiar names and faces from the DOC! 
Want more info?? Here's the link for tomorrow's event!

It's that time for the second annual WEGO Health Activist Awards and  I say lets make sure the Diabetes On-Line Community has a strong showing. To check out the catagories and place your votes, click HERE.
October 1st is NO D Day, created by the ever fabulous Ninjabetic. Basically, you can blog about pretty much what ever floats your boat, EXCEPT DIABETES - And then link to your NO D-DAY blog post, HERE.
Speaking of NO D -DAY, my niece Cristin has a supporting role in the new Mike Birbiglia film Sleep Walk With Me. Cristin plays Mike's sister Janet and I couldn't be more proud of her! The movie received GREAT reviews and is both in the theaters ( in limited release) and On Demand under MOVIES. CHECK IT OUT!

Lastly, a while back I was quoted for an article about confusion re: the various types of diabetes in
(Sidebar: Type 1.5 is missing from the article and I was sorry to see that omission. But with that being said, the article states many accuracies for both Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes - And I appreciate that.)
A few weeks later emailed me again and for an interview about living with Type 1 Diabetes. And I was blown away that they wanted to interview me. And I have to admit, being the person being interviewed always feels a little strange to me - I get nervous. .
With that being said, you can find it (me?) HERE.
Also, and I think that you'll get a kick out of this - The article ended up being run on the AOL News home page, and if you go to the Diabetesaliciousness Facebook Page and scroll down a bit, there's a screen shot of me - Alongside Lindsey Lohan & Kelly Ripa. That right there will make you spit out your coffee!

1 comment:

Scott K. Johnson said...

Thanks for the mention Kelly! TCOYD in Des Moines was a blast. I was glad to have Mike Durbin working with me for the event too - he totally rocked it.