So a few weeks ago, I received an email from my friend and fellow PWD Dave Nevins requesting my address. if you don't know Dave, he's quite the adventurer and extreme sports dude. He's had Type 1 for over 30 years and Dave refuses to let the D stop him from doing ANYTHING! He's all about NO LIMITS when it comes to life with D and sports. You can read more about him HERE.
Anyhow, Dave and I email one another, read each others blogs and are Facebook friends.
So when he emailed me requesting my address because he wanted to send me something he came across because it reminded him of me, I was intregued. So me being me (and him being him,) I gave him my address~
Cut to a few weeks later when I received this in the mail.

How awesome is this?!
We all know my affinity for being a Pirate Chicklet since the whole 1 in a million episode~
There was also a note that made made my week!

Which was written on the back of this

Which made me want to visit Alaska very much!
And this is why I love being part of the Diabetes On-line Community. We all share, discuss, advocate and learn abut life with diabetes, and become great friends who makes us laugh and smile in the process!
Speaking of Ladies who kick butt:
Kerri over at SUM will be hosting a webinar for WEGO HEALTH tomorrow about Chronic Illnesses and relationships. Want to participate? Here's the link!
Many a Dblogger knows Ellen Ullman as a Tigress mom of a T1 who fights every single day to find the cure for diabetes.
On March 17th Ellen will be presenting "How Meters are Used at Home and How Consumers Choose Meters" at the FDA/CDRH meeting on Blood Glucose Meters:
Pirate girls DEFINITELY kick butt! =)
Love the Pirate Girls Kick Butt! Well, you do know that I'm a Pirate Girl - with TWO - yuppers - TWO sailboats (one is for "sail"). So, if you're ever up in Cornwall, Ontario - you know you can come aboard and we can scavage for some hidden treasures along the St-Lawrence seaways (and believe me - there is lots to find in the depths there). If that's not to your Pirate Girl taste - well - lay back - and let the winds caress you while we sail away. That's why I love sailing - tho' not in too rough of a sea! Arrrhhh! Polly wanna cracker?
Took the survey...easy peasy.
That sticker rocks. You rock.
Man, how beautiful is Alaska????
Did the survey
Arrgh, we're still just the luckiest mateys on the wide rolling sea to have you as 'r Cap'n.
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