Test Strips on Tin- A Study~
Taken with my iPhone~
Another attempt of putting an end to my never ending Test Strip Trail~
My first attempt resulted in a what I called "Test Strip Bottle Art," and what some others called crazy.
This attempt is more minimalist in nature.
So how do you keep your "Test Strip Trail" in check, or do you?
What's worked & hasn't worked for you in this area ?
I don't usually have much of a trail in terms of test strips. Somehow I actually throw most of them out or if I'm not near a garbage can, I stick them in the closed pocket of my meter case. I guess I'm a bit of a neat freak?? ;)
OMG K2, if you find a good answer to this problem, you'll not need to worry about working anymore.
They are freaking EVERYWHERE around me. Sigh...
A couple of weeks ago my wife borrowed my car.
She: "When I was in your car today, I noticed that in the tray under the radio there are hundreds of test strips."
Me: "Yeah. I know."
She: "No, I'm serious, hundreds! It's almost full!"
Me: "It fills up, I empty it out, it fills up again. Is there a problem?"
I, too, have begun a Test Strip Trail Ending Project... yet, it fails miserably each day. As I see more on the stairs and elsewhere. The cat was playing with one the other day when I came home. Of course, I always forget to add said strips into container and end up failing even more. I'd be willing to contribute to a study to solve this epidemic that seems to afflict us in the Diabetes Community. I'm sure a vaccine or cure would be welcomed.
You know what's worse than a test strip trail?
Not checking!
I'll just keep telling myself that.
HA! Mine are everywhere... on the kitchen counter, the bedroom floor, the bathroom floor, in the washer and dryer... I try to keep them in a "container" but there are always some strays that get in the oddest places! I like the tray.
I actually save all of mine (I know, nutty). In fact I save all of my diabetes refuse (empty pen needles, used syringes, test trip bottles. everything). I'm amazed at how much waste I generate, and there's no good way to recycle it, so, like you, I have convinced myself that some day there is an amazing diabetes trash-art project in my future (glad I'm not the only one). So instead of a trail, I just have a big box. Getting bigger.
This is funny to me as I was just diagnosed with Type 1 two months ago and my husband found ONE on the floor and (very kindly actually) drew my attention to it. I store them in my meter kit and actually put them in my biohazard plastic sharps container. They find their way out of the trash somehow...
I do save the empty strip bottles in the towel closet. Why? I don't know. I thought maybe I would need them to count how many I go through to get a sense of how many I am using. Is this necessary? Probably not...Perhaps I can find some use for them. Now I sound like a hoarder...
I have given up on trying to contain them. I keep some in my case. Some on the floor of my car. I saw one in the church parking lot (I think it was mine) heck they are everywhere.
Imagine test strip trails times 2. oh sure, I don't test nearly as often as the husband, but still...when the garbage goes out to the driveway, there is still a trail sometimes.
I should take a picture of the area near the wastebasket that the husband usually uses. It's quite funny how often he misses.
They are always all over the place. We actually have a contest in the house - whoever can get the most strips by running around the house and collecting them wins. I once got 24! Pathetic I know. I have a huge bowl in the house full of them. I mean - huge. It's turned into a compulsion.
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