Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Bake Rate = Skunky Insulin

Webster's Dictionary
Main Entry: skunky
Pronunciation: \ˈskəŋ-kē\
Function: adjective
Funky, rancid smell . A product (usually beer) that has gone bad is "skunky"

Webster's Dictionary
Main Entry: in·su·lin
Pronunciation: \ˈin(t)-s(ə-)lən\
Function: noun
Etymology: New Latin insula islet (of Langerhans), from Latin, island
Date: 1914

: a protein pancreatic hormone secreted by the beta cells of the islets of Langerhans that is essential especially for the metabolism of carbohydrates and the regulation of glucose levels in the blood and that when insufficiently produced results in diabetes mellitus

Kelly's Brain

Main Entry: Insulin Bake Rate

Function: Descriptive Adjective, verb,

Insulin Bake Rate : The temperature at which the insulin in your pump "gets cooked well past it's prime and or suggested temp" and becomes skunky insulin causing your blood sugars to sky rocket and you feel like crap. Skunky insulin must be thrown out.

Used in a sentence: "My insulin has gone well past its BAKE RATE" at the beach, and now it's all 'skunky" and I have to throw out my reservoir & refill- DAMN IT!"

It's the 3rd day of temps in the 80's/90's - and my body has not adjusted as of yet.
But, the sudden rise in temps is a heads-up for me not fill up my insulin reservoir because of bake rate/skunky insulin issues.

Why?? Because when the temps rise, not only does your body temp rise, but so does the temperature of things on or attached to your body.
And I've learned the hard way that it's best to have your insulin reservoir and change it more frequently, than to have your insulin go bad ( and your blood sugars go stratospheric) and have to throw out a reservoir with a 100 units left.

Baking is a fun and carb filled activity- but it sucks when it happens to your insulin~


The Piquant Storyteller said...

How do you know if your reservoir is past its bake rate? I spend a lot of time outside with my pump on and never even thought of this!

Pam said...

We baked Grace's insulin on vaca in Fla last winter. On a JDRF Walk, no less! It's a pain. Hoping it doesn't happen too often this summer.

Robin K said...

I have always wondered about that. I really need to keep a better eye on that and change the sites more often in the summer.

Anonymous said...

Interesting post, Kelly. Haven't really thought much about this through the years. Mostly, I wear my pump on my waist or in a pocket where it's not as hot as if right up against my temp-rising body, and when out in the sun I might keep it in a cooler or cooler spot for sometime if needed. Can see how this is a concern, though... Have to keep it in mind! Thanks for the food for thought!

Marc said...

I'm always careful to keep Jr's insulin pen in a cool-ish place (normal room temp), but I don't know if this would have crossed my mind with a pump.

Tip to pump mfgr's... Three words: On Board Cooling!

"D" as in "D" said...

Hmmm -- good to know. Is there a way to tell when the insulin's gone bad -- other that it just, um, not working?? Sure would be nice if it would turn blue or something...or maybe black and white??

Unknown said...

Bake Rate? I love it!

I wish there was a quick and easy way to tell if insulin is still good or not. Like, disconnect your pump and drip a few units onto a test strip or something...