Monday, July 25, 2011

Postcards From The Diabetes Edge: GO AHEAD.......

"I triple dog dare you!!!!"
PS: "With great power comes great responsibly."
Dude, I can't believe I'm quoting both 'Radio Days' & 'Spider Man!'
But seriously, go for it & flip your Diabetes BitchSwitch when ever you feel the need to right a diabetes wrong!


Mike Hoskins said...

Great switch-flipping message, K2! You rock. (clink)

Scott K. Johnson said...


Scott S said...

Actually, you're quoting 'Radio Days', "Spider Man' AND 'A Christmas Story' with the "triple dog dare you" line ... but I think the bitchswitch is something that we should never hesitate flipping since we have to correct so many mis-perceptions fueled by a media indifferent to getting the facts right!

Anonymous said...

Best picture E.V.E.R!!
Love you and your switch!! ;)

Scott Strange said...

A most excellent message from the edge!

Holly said...

Love the new picture, Kelly!