Friday, June 14, 2013

This is Pancreas 1, The Islets Have Landed. I REPEAT: THE ISLETS HAVE LANDED. Over.

Sometimes I amuse myself~

The other night I was on my way to pickup my latest takeout addiction, Mexican Chicken & Jalapeno Cesar Salad (SO DAMN TASTY and easy on the blood sugars that I've ordered it like 3 times in 8 days) and was  waiting for the light to turn green so I could walk across the street and pick up my much anticipated grub. 

And that would be when I noticed the lady standing next to me was staring at my insulin pump tubing that was dangling out around my waist. The pump was covered by my shirt, but the tubing was dangling and all loop, de loopy.
And above mentioned lady was really staring.... Like wanting to reach out and and yank out my tubing just to see what the hell it was connected to, type of staring.

And instead of starting a conversation about diabetes and insulin pumps like I normally would, I grabbed my insulin pump, ran my fingers up the tubing and put the pump up to my mouth and said: This is Pancreas 1, the Islets have landed. I repeat, THE ISLETS HAVE LANDED. Over. 

And then the light changed and said lady looked at me like I was completely crazy and high tailed it to the other side of the street faster than you can say: Islet of Langerhans. 
Yeah, I know it was wishful thinking and incredibly sarkalicious on my part, but I couldn't stop laughing!!


Cara said...

I swear, what I wouldn't give to have mind reading powers. I would LOVE to know what that woman was thinking! Lol.

Scott E said...

You are one lucky girl! I've been waiting for my islets to land for a long time. 32 years ago, they took off, and I haven't seen them since...

Mike Hoskins said...

Priceless! I'd also love to have mind-reading powers, and would also LOVE to see that on video! It'd go viral! Hey, if we don't laugh, we'll just go crazy living with D... :)

Mike Hoskins said...

Priceless! I'd also love to have mind-reading powers, and would also LOVE to see that on video! It'd go viral! Hey, if we don't laugh, we'll just go crazy living with D... :)

Alecia said...

This makes me feel so much better about talking into my Dexcom sensor like it's a phone. Ahhh a little snark goes a long way in my world! xo

Anonymous said...

love it!

WalkingTheDragon said...

I LOVE making random people I don't know think I'm crazy ;)

(by the way before I had T1D if I saw that I would assume it was some kind of catheter [although id try not to stare] - the sad part is I was a pharm. tech for years and I had no idea insulin pumps existed, nor did I know t1 vs t2 before my dx. #sadbuttrue])

WalkingTheDragon said...

LOVE making ppl I don't know think I'm crazy ;)

(before my t1d dx. I had no idea what insulin pumps were although I was a pharmacy tech; now if I see that I'll probably want to come & hug the stranger with the tubing sticking out <3