Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Wordless Wednesday: Behold The Power Of Shoes ~

Ahhhh, the wonders of Christmas & the exact moment that the magic of the black patent leather Mary Janes first caught my eye and was captured for all eternity~


Crystal said...


Anonymous said...

Love black patent Mary Janes!

(I get Q a pair each year.)

Mike Hoskins said...

This post makes me smile. Even though I personally don't know the "power of shoes," I'm married to someone who apparently does. And can't resist that power. And must tell me about it always. While she's buying more shoes. And so.... I guess, maybe, I do understand. But still, even-so: That picture is so great. Here's to great memories, of the mind and those captured. Best your way, my friend.

Brenda Bell said...

Growing up in orthopaedic shoes, I always coveted the typical black patent-leather Mary Janes, but could never have them. Finally, when my orthopaedist allowed me to wear "regular" (i.e., nonorthopaedic) shoes for special occasions, I soooo wanted a pair -- but the only similar style available in my size was a "convertible" on which the straps came further up the instep and could be unsnapped to make the shoe into a skimmer. In skimmer mode, those shoes wouldn't stay on my feet. Sadly, a very short relationship with patent leather Mary Janes.

The kicker to this all is, today I always have a pair of Mary Jane-looking leather shoes for wearing with my Tudor and Elizabethan garb. They're close enough to historical-looking and don't kill my feet over hundreds of acres of dirt, pavement, and wood-chip fairegrounds.