Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Yoga Pants Save The Day - And My Precariously Placed Infusion Site!

Only my love of the Diabetes Online Community, would get me to show a belly shot!
Monday morning, as I was getting dressed and before I headed to the Flamingo Lobby to say my last Diabetes UnConference (more on that incredibly amazing experience very soon,) goodbyes and head off to the airport, I realized that I needed to change out my infusion site.
My new infusion site went in easy and pain free and I immediately thought: This site is going to subcutaneously suck insulin in LIKE A BOSS. 
Then I realized that my infusion set connector was facing the wrong way and was directly next to my belly button. 
As in: Precariously close to my belly button. 
As in: It's NEVER been this close to my belly button and OUCH, I know the moment I snap my jeans I will feel a pain like no other, close to my belly button.  
Also: I didn't want to waste the site/ab real estate if I didn't have to. 
Lucky for me, I had yoga pants for the plain ride and leggings, too. I'm a fan of both and for all sorts of reasons. 
No button, no snap and super comfy to travel in. 
Problem solved and pain averted. I wore yoga pants yesterday too, because I was jet lagged, working from home and my blood sugars were more than OK.   
I changed my site this morning and this time, the infusion set connector is no where near my belly button. But only time will tell if it sucks in the insulin like a boss - or just plain, sucks.
Too close for comfort when it comes to snaps/buttons. 

FYI: Currently writing my Diabetes UnConference post - Stay tuned. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

And here I thought you were just looking cute in leggings and a dress ;) diabetes can make one an involuntary fashionista ?! :D <3