I’m confused about lots of things in life. I don’t get why people watch the Kardashians or the Jersey Shore and am “confused” as to what the attraction is to shows like that?
The concept of North, South, East, & West confuses me - and if truth be told it confuses various family members as well. In my diabetesalicious my mind, Canada is UP and Florida is down.
I understand the whole “clean up after yourself,” concept, and have understood it since nursery school. Simply put; if you make a mess, clean it up. I’m “confused” as to why BP Oil has such a tough time grasping said concept.
One thing that does not “confuse” me is High Fructose Corn Syrups negative effect on my blood sugar. I’ve done the “Diabetes Math” folks. I’ve counted the carbs, tested my blood sugar, and did the correct bolus for a snack size bag of corn chips/cookies, and was incredibly confused as my blood sugar skyrocketed to the moon.
I’ve called my CDE damn in tears, frustrated with the results of carbo counting for HFCS laden foods and was told quite bluntly: If HFCS is in the first five ingredients of a product, don’t eat it- it will wreck havoc with your blood sugars!
That was 10 years ago, and since then I’ve steered clear of the dietary demon that is HFCS.
I’ve read books, talked with numerous health care professionals, and watched documentaries on the HFCS, - it's not a pretty picture. I’ve written numerous blog posts about HFCS and tweeted facts. Seriously folks, there’s nothing “sweet” about what HFCS does to your body.
I w as mega confused when I start receiving out of the blue tweets from @Sweetfacts (a PR firm for the Corn Refiners Association) telling me that “I’m confused about HFCS” and that’s “it’s perfectly fine if consumed in moderation.” @sweetfacts also sent me lots of links to posts saying HFCS has nothing to does with the rise of type 2 diabetes in this country. YES – I laughed so hard I could barely catch my breath.
I tweeted back the correlation between HFCS being added to soft drinks in 1980, which happened to be the year children started being diagnosed with type 2. No answer on that one.
@sweetfacts @sstrumello FYI - US rates of type 2 diabetes at a crazy rate since 1980, when soda co's started substituting sugar with HFCS
I decided to tweet @Sweetfacts a rather simple question that would ease my mind regarding HFCS. I even used @Sweetfacts very own words. I asked: How does one consume HFCS in moderation when it’s in almost every processed food under the sun?
I asked this question multiple times and in multiple ways and tweeted a few other HFCS facts as we:
@sweetfacts I am confused though, because I have absolutely no idea how one consumes #HFCS in moderation - do tell!
@sweetfacts So tell please tell me because I'd love 2know how you do it. How does 1 consume #HFCS in "moderation,"since it's in everything
@sweetfacts SERIOUSLY? There's no confusion here-HFCS is NOT "a health food" in anyway,shape, or form. it's a genetically modified sweetener
@Sweetfacts FYI,I absolutely support farmers&buy fresh corn@ a wkly farmers mkt. The edible kind,not the yellow dent #7-spawner of HFCS kind
@sweetfacts Here's a question for you. Since #HFCS is in virtually EVERYTHING, how can it be consumed in moderation?
Of course I didn’t receive an answer – and there’s a good chance I won’t.
I also became royally confused when @KSGrains – another tweeter paid to tweet poetic about HFCS tweeted me this:
: @ksgrains @diabetesalic Saying #hfcs is in everything is totally misguided. Best way to eat healthy: http://bit.ly/HR7Bi
Yes, girlfriend sent me a link to the food pyramid - PLEASE!
So I tweeted:
@ksgrains Don’t tell me the "best way 2eat healthy,” I’ve been a type1diabetic since I ws 8& have been working w/nutritionists &CDES for years
@ksgrains Both personally&professionally. The nutritionists & Certified Diabetes Educators I work w/tell their patients to stay clear of #HFCS
@diabetesalic Exaggerate much? lol I think you need a good laugh -- What would Julia say about sweeteners? http://bit.ly/dyz4aH
My response:
@ksgrains NO,I tell it like it is. Julia Child ws a proponent of real food& ingredients& I’m sure she thought #HFCS ws BS.
Ironically, the producers of with the Julia Child wanna-be video and the site it airs on Sweetscam.com are rumored to be funded by those who make money from #HFCS.
I could cut and paste more tweets, but I’d rather just tell you how I feel.
I found the whole exchange and condescending attitude of both @ksgrains & @Sweetfacts to be really offensive.
I find it offensive that people who are paid by the corn conglomerate tell me and others like myself that we are confused about #HFCS.
As a person with type 1 diabetes for over 30 years, I don’t have the luxury of being “confused” when it comes to what I put in my body. My world revolves around all types of numbers.
Blood sugar numbers; carbs,fiber, fat grams and caloric intake. Not to mention A1C, blood pressure rates, kidney function rates, and cholesterol. I could go on, but you all know the diabetes drill.
I (like millions of others) MUST calculate the numbers for every piece of food I put in my body. I, like my diabetes cohorts, MUST test my blood sugar, and figure out (with the help of my bolus wizard the precise amount of insulin needed to cover every piece of food that goes into my body.
I have no choice but to test my blood sugar at least ten times a day if I want to live a great life with diabetes.
I’ve experienced first hand what a processed food product loaded with HFCS does to my body, verses it’s raw sugar counterpart. I have the numbers to back it up – DON’T YOU DARE TELL ME I’M CONFUSED.
Don’t send me to sites with “quirky” videos produced by the people who pay you to talk nice about them,
I’m offended & disgusted that @sweetfacts and @ksgrains have so little faith in my intelligence as both a consumer and as a person with diabetes.
Please guys, tell me how you feel about #HFCS – and tell them to!
And don’t even get me started on the Chiropractor on twitter who suggests pooping 3 times a day to help control your diabetes – he’s full of shit!
But I digress, and will leave that subject for another post!