Monday, April 29, 2013

At 2013 The Lilly Diabetes Blogger Summit - #LDSummit13

Coco ( The Disney Monkey with Type 1 and star of the Disney Lilly Coco The MMonkey books)  & I at Children With Diabetes 

Today is the start of the Lilly Diabetes Blogger Summit - And I encourage you to follow and join in the conversation  - The twitter hashtag is:  #LDSummit13 . 
You can also leave questions on this blog and I will forward them along. 
But honestly, I say JOIN in the conversation and participate!!! 

Thursday, April 25, 2013

And The Swing Into Sring CVS Grab Bag Winners Are...............

And the three winners of the Swing into Spring CVS Grab Bags Are...................................................

Lauren Nygard
Abby Travis

Congratulations Ladies!!
Email me your addresses so that we can get your Swing into Spring CVS Grab Bags out to you, ASAP!

And FYI: There are several other diabetesalicious giveaways coming up in May - Just because May is the month I was born & I'm all about sharing the D/Birthday love!

Stay tuned..........

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Diabetesalicious Giveaway: Get In The Swing Of Spring With A CVS Grab Bag!

So the folks at CVS/pharmacy ExtraCare Advantage for Diabetes have once again (remember the December giveaway?) agreed to give 3 Diabetesaliciousness readers the opportunity to win a Spring grab bag of sorts and we came up with some things that could help us get into the swing of Spring. 
Things like sunscreen (because Spring means more time outdoors, which means you need to wear sunscreen) ; tissues & eye drops, (spring means allergies,) a needle disposal kit, (no explination needed) glucose tabs and LEVEL Life Glucose Gel ( for all those low blood sugars thanks to all the extra Spring workouts,) a CVS glucose meter, blister band-aids (because workouts can bring blisters) Eucerin,(diabetes is hard on the skin, so is the sun) and lastly, a 100 count box of Ketone Strips, because if you're anything like me, when I need to test for ketones, is about the time I realize that I need to actually go out and buy ketone strips. 

CVS Spring Grab Bag
How To Enter: leave a comment on the blog ( until midnight tonight) saying why you'd like to win and how you're getting into the full Spring of things. And tomorrow I'll post the three winners names. Yep, it's that easy!


Full Disclosure: CVS gave me the above grab bag free of charge. 

More on CVS/pharmacy Extra Care Advantage for Diabetes in the form of small print: CVS/pharmacy Extra Care Advantage for Diabetes is free and provides it's members with cash back on over 100 diabetes related items via CVS Bucks, helps its members manage prescriptions and provides all its members with weekly deals, promo codes, etc.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Dear Blood Sugar of 240: You Are But Fleeting And Temporary - And I Am Permanently Fabulous~

Dearest Blood sugar of 240: 
It was most likely the 2 teaspoons nutulla; the single serving of non-fat Greek yogurt with a quarter cup of freshly sliced strawberries, plus two cups of coffee combined with a guesstimated breakfast bolus for all of the above this morning that brought you my way. 
Coffee always makes me/you spike and I have no doubt that my nutella portions were more than generous. 
But I wouldn’t have changed this morning’s coffee, breakfast and nutella love for anything.  I was hungry, I bolused and I ate.  
Was I off my carb mark?? Magic 8 Ball says ‘MOST LIKELY,’ but that’s OK. Shit happens. 

See.... the Magic 8 Ball (courtesy of http://www.ask8ball.netreally did say "Most Likely," even if it did cut off my two question marks and the end of my question~
I can (and will) bring you down - I have the tools and the technology and  I refuse to let you get the best of me. 

I refuse to let you be the blight on an other wise stellar and productive morning.....  And I refuse to let you get the best of me.
I could sit here at my computer and curse you out - And I could get mad and angry and focus on your bitchfit, instead of focusing on what I need to accomplish today. 
Not that I'm against bitching or pouting, or flipping my bitchswitch - because Lord knows I’m not!
But today I have deadlines to meet and I I refuse to make the day revolve around you. 
Because not all the days and moments in my life can’t always revolve around you - even though it seems like that sometimes.

Here’s the thing: You are but fleeting and temporary  - And I am permanently fabulous. You can bank on that fact. 
So even if it takes a while because you decide to be bitchy - That’s OK, I can be a royal and first class bitch, too - also a fact. 
And and here's one more fact, #Iwillwin. 

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Infusion Set Inklings

Infusion Tent
FYI: I was playingwith picture saturation & word placement on the above pic - 

I knew the minute I inserted the infusion set on my abdomen on Tuesday, its days were numbered.
And yes, I know that infusion site days are ALWAYS numbered, but I mean more so than then the usual!

The cannula went in easily & didn’t hurt - I knew it was going to be a great site. But then, for some reason,  the sticky part didn’t stick perfectly flat, instead it peeked ever so slightly and made a little pup tent. 
I tried flattening it out - And for a few a second it would find, but the tiny pup tent (pump tent?) would return - because it could.
No matter what, it wouldn’t wouldn’t entirely stick  (I didn’t have skin tact and band-aids tend to rip out the infusion site quicker for me,) and I knew that I should probably change it.

But I REALLY felt like it was a site that was good absorption wise and I didn’t want to waste it. 
So there it stayed and damn if it didn’t syphon that insulin subcutaneously with the best of them - It was flipping ROCK STAR!
My numbers were great for the most part - And nothing over 140 all day yesterday. 
But last night after dinner I had an unexpected bungee pump encounter with the bathroom doorknob and not to long after that, my stomach started to itch ever so slightly. 
But I ignored it because: 
  1. I knew that an infusion site = time to change the infusion site
  2. I didn’t feel like dealing with it at that very moment  - I just felt like relaxing. 
Every now and then I’d scratch my belly - And finally, at about 10:45 I took my blood sugar  - It was 280. Maybe it was the sweet potato fries or maybe it was the door knob encounter, but it didn’t matter I had to switch out infusion sets - And only after about 30 hours. 

I stayed up until 11:30 - to make sure my numbers were heading back to normal and I woke up this morning with a blood sugar of 102. 

So have you ever had your Diabetes Spidey 6th sense kick in re:  your infusion set site right after you’ve put it in?  
Did you ever have an infusion set inkling that it was going to be a good or bad right from the get go and before you even started testing?? 

Did you change out right away or did you ever prolong the inevitable just because you felt like it??? 

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Feeling Helpless & Focusing On Helping

Today I’m pretty blank as to what to write - I have nothing because I keep thinking about Boston. I keep thinking about the runners and their families and the spectators who were just out there supporting everyone and having a great time. 
I keep thinking about the first responders and how they towards the chaos when everyone was running away from it. 
I keep thinking about life and how incredibly short it is and how our worlds can be changed both personally and as a nation in seconds and forever. 

And I keep clinging to the words hope; love, strength and tenacity - And how we as a nation are going to need once again require massive doses of all of the above - And how we are going to need to spread hope; love, strength and tenacity.

I felt so damn helpless yesterday as I sat at my computer at work, and just as helpless when I came home and turned on my TV and cried in front of it. I cried most of last night - The only thing I could do was to tweet helpful links about housing registries for the runners, run tracking for marathoners, etc, and post said links on faceobook. 

I think we all are all shocked feeling hopeless and lost and sad - and helpless. So if you know of anyways to help, please share - so others can help and feel less helpless and more helpful.  

It doesn’t matter if it’s praying, giving blood, setting up fundraising pages, etc. 

OK, I’ll start. This morning my/our Despite Diabetes friend Moira McCarthy posted this on her Facebook page:
I have been at a loss all night figuring out how to do SOMETHING to help or show all those impacted directly that we care. This is my idea, and feel free to share it: Pick a charity that had runners at the Marathon and donate to a runner. Does not have to be a lot -- even a dollar. And show that runner and charity that you care. I'm going to donate to a JDRF Runner of course, but I'm also going to choose a charity I might not usually support and a runner whom I don't know at all. Show them the world cares. Join me.

Many in the diabetes online community are running with Moira’s idea - And I think that’s awesome!

Other friends, like my friend Deb Ruppert went out early this morning to donate blood.
Deb is on the left coast, but blood donations are always in need across the US - especially in times of crisis - And a pint can literally save a person’s life. 
It’s so simple and yet it’s something many of us forget about - Also, you get a donut when you donate blood - So... you know.... 

Today many people, including my friend Ann Bartlett are wearing Running Jerseys ( or in Ann’s case, her Boston Marathon Volunteer jacket) in support of the runners. 

Therapy dogs are being flown to Boston to offer comfort.

Runners stores across the country have become impromptu places for runners to gather and support each one another as they mourn  - And as someone who appreciates and draws support from her own diabetes community - I TOTALLY GET IT.

Last night a group Knoxville Runners, prompted by this tweet had a candle service in their running park. 

If any of you live in the Boston area and would like to help stranded runners find shelter,  has created a registry for stranded Marathoners (hotel evacuated, flight canceled,etc) here: 

As for me, I’m going to be running with Moira’s idea - pun not intended - Donating small amounts to several Boston Marathon Teams charities, Diabetes and otherwise -  I'm not rich by any means, but a little goes along way. 

And I’m going to do my best to cling to the words HELP, hope; love, strength and tenacity - And make them my mantras of choice. 

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Dear PR & Marketing Reps - Be Transparent & Honest - Truthiness Is Not An Option

I wasn't going to post today, and then an email exchange happened that didn't make me happy at all - It made me feel lied to.

Dear PR/ Marketing Folks: 
There are certain ways to reach out to the Diabetes Patient Blogger. 
First, don’t start by saying that “we suffer from diabetes.”
I don’t suffer from diabetes just like I don’t suffer from having freckles or being born in New Jersey. 
However I do “suffer” from peoples preconceived notions about what diabetes is & that diabetes is the person with diabetes fault. 
Secondly: Don’t tell me all the gruesome diabetes statistics in your first three sentences - That doesn’t work with me, either. It's just makes me sad & angry  - And nine times out of 10, it makes me click "delete."
And don’t tell me that you’re doing me a favor by pitching your wares, clients or miracle cures  - You reached out to me, not the other way around. And if I don’t get back to you in 3 minutes, there’s a good reason for it. 
  1. Work is crazy
  2. I’m doing my homework on your subject matter
  3. It’s pretty obvious to me that you’re full of shit and I don’t want to waste my time or energy
  4. I’m focusing my energies on your peers who were transparent from the get-go with their intro email. 
FINALLY - And what inspired this post: Be transparent and honest when you reach out to me and my diabetes compatriots. 
Don’t pass yourself off as another indy blogger looking to gain more writing experience and offering to write an informative blog post for me about..... Oh, I don’t know..... Let’s say medical malpractice and how certain drugs interact with one another..... And you happen to rep a...... A legal type of entity. 
Because even if there's "potential" in your email, that potential gets lost in the manner in which it was delivered.

Here’s the thing, when I look you up on Linkedin and search engine the shit of you, 
I’m going to find out what you really do, who you really work for and what your title is.
I’ll even find out what school graduated from - I have degree in literature and a minor bordering on Major in Google - I will find out. For God sakes, I interned at ‘Radio Times,” NPR honed my research skills!
And when I call you out on your BS, and then you email me back and tell me that you really are a Pro Blogger, and that you spend your days writing blog posts for your companies clients, THAT’S GREAT!  
I commend you & thank you for giving me hope that such jobs exist! 
Hell, I’d love to blog for Nutella or a travel website - Or a Diabetes organization/company that I love and respect - And You give me hope that I can! THANK YOU.

But promoting truthiness in your intentions instead of the truth when it comes to who you are and why you're reaching out - Of course I’m going to call you out on your bullshit!  

According Merriam Webster, defines Social Media as: 
Forms of electronic communication (as Web sites for social networking and microblogging) through which users create online communities to share information, ideas, personal messages, and other content (as videos)

And according to Wikipedia: Social media refers to the means of interactions among people in which they create, share, and exchange information and ideas in virtual communities and networks.”
In this age of Social Media and continuing the conversation - A little transparency goes a hell of a long way - Especially in the Diabetes On-Line Community. 
By reaching out to us and not being transparent, you’re not helping anyone.

You’re not helping my community - not one bit - and by not helping them, in no way, shape or form are you helping me! 
You’re not helping your PR/Marketing peers who are transparent - And who work hard to develop and cultivate the Social Media aspect of the businesses they rep. You’re actually making their job much more difficult.

And lastly, you’re disrespecting your client - And don't even realize it!
How can you help your client if you don't approach your client's target market in a respectful & honest way? 

Seriously, It’s not rocket science - And you sir, are no rocket scientist~

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Cristin Was Magnificent & Damn The Diabetes Fashionista Torpedoes!

First: Cristin's concert Friday night was magnificent and she was AMAZING in all dimensions!
Her family and friends were and are so incredibly proud - And like the rest of the people in attendance at the sold out venue, we were blown away by her talent; grace, presence and banter!
Secondly: Re: last Thursday's post and all your great advice - The insulin pump infusion set higher up on the waist & above the "Assets" worked out fine and my blood sugar numbers were great.
I wish I could say the same for the velcro on the pump garter. Said garter velcro put permanent snag marks in the the material of my dress and literally fell down my leg twice (which rarely happens,) but was annoying - But the looks on strangers faces who saw the garter drop & slide were priceless! 
Funny/annoying, nothing was going to deter me from enjoying my niece's concert! 
Not diabetes, not an awkwardly placed infusion sit and most certainly not a wonky insulin pump garter!
 And FTR, at several points in the evening my garter twisted from hiding my insulin pump in my inner thigh to my center thigh, thus making making me look like a less fabulous and fierce contestant on Ru Paul's Drag Race,who'd had points deducted for being "untucked." 
Again, comical - But ANNOYING.  
Still, I forged ahead and did what needed to be done and then laughed out loud at the ridiculousness of my diabetes fashion issues!  DAMN THE DIABETES FASHIONISTA TORPEDOES! 

Then I went back to enjoying all the magic that was Cristin Milioti's American Songbook Series, concert debut at Lincoln Center. 

Thirdly: My gift to you from that evening is a little glimpse of the magic, courtesy of BroadwayWorld

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Letting Go & Leaving Room For Hope~

Where there is no struggle, there is no strength~

I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it.
The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear. 
Nelson Mandela

Life ain't a track meet..... It's a marathon.
Ice Cube

Some of us think holding on makes us strong; but sometimes it is letting go.
Hermann Hesse

Tomorrow (Wednesday) morning is my Eye exam and I’m trying to stay calm & let go of my fears~ 
I’m trying to breathe and get on with my day - Trying to finish my work so I can go out in the beautiful sunshine and play!
Trying my best to be all go with the flow, while doing what needs to be done in this thing called life. 
And I’m doing quite well in accomplishing all of the above. 

But I know that when I wake up tomorrow morning I will be on pins and needles and that the fear I let go of today, will reappear tomorrow.  

And I will makes excuses and find myself running late to get to said eye appointment - And will most likely arrive 10 minutes late and filled with apologies - Because the very thought of getting my eyes dilated and prodded and having blinding bright lights glaring on and in them, makes me want to stay in bed while simultaneously wishing it was already Wednesday night instead of Tuesday afternoon, let alone Wednesday morning. 

And I know that the receptionist will smile at me and tell me it’s OK - And hearing her say that will make me think that everything will be OK -  And the reappeared fear will subside for a bit, until I find myself sitting in the dark exam room - and then the nerves and the fear will start all over again. 

And there’s a good chance that I’ll even tweet about how I'm feeling. 

Then my Dr. will come in and shake my hand and ask me how I’ve been.
And the n the small talk and the exam will begin - And all the while my Dr. will tell me that I’m doing great while talking to his assistant in a language I don’t understand. 

And I will silently say little prayers and remind myself that I am mother’s daughter & that I come from brave and tough stock. And I will tell myself that my hopes are stronger than my fears  - And that letting go of my fears will leave more room for my hopes to become reality. 

And I will hope that things go well, just like last visit. 

But if that’s not the case - I will still be OK. 

And on the drive home I'll probably  think about taking up yoga again, and tell myself that I need to be more zen. 

And I will continue to work on letting go of all the things in my life, ( diabetes and otherwise) that don't leave room for hope. 

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Insulin Pump/Infusion Site Placement, Spanx & And A Pretty Dress  = All Types of interesting

Tomorrow night I get  to see my niece Cristin perform at Lincoln Center (I'm beyond proud & excited,) and I can’t wait to see her shine!

It’s somewhat dressy and I’m excited that I get to wear my pretty teal wrap dress, some sparkly jewelry and my new Corso Como pumps that are like walking on pillows made of butter and fluffy clouds!

I’ve made peace with the fact that I won’t be able to carry a sparkly little handbag because it won’t fit all my diabetes acquotramonts including; meter, test strips, glucose tabs and spare infusion sets, plus none diabetes essentials like: lipstick & makeup bag, camera, hairbrush, money, phone, etc. 

And I’m not thrilled that I have to wear Spanx (actually, they are Spanx Assets, manufactured by Spanxs and sold at Target, and they are just as good in my book,) but a lady does what she must to look all types of smooth & sheik. 

But there’s the whole 'wear do I place my insulin pump" thing. 
I have the pump garter I made and will be wearing it on my leg and I'm OK with that -  but it’s the actual infusion set placement that’s troubling me. 

I’m going to have to place the infusion set high up on my abdomen because as you can see from the Assets picture, that’s where it’s going to HAVE to go! 
The Assets are an abdomen/stocking combo and the abdomen part is high up.
The tubing will have to run down the front and over the stockings instead of under, so it can connect to the pump nestled snuggly on my upper thigh and in my pump garter. 

And I can't wear the pump tucked into my bra because honestly, it would look like I had 3 boobs. 

Infusion set up high and in the front of my belly - Will it work? 
I’ve never worn an infusion set that high up before and I’m afraid I’ll have issues. 
And that’s the last thing I want to be dealing with tomorrow night! 

So ladies of DOC, any advice about wearing infusion sets that high up? 
Have you done & was it successful? 
And if not, what was your plan B? 

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Wordless Wednesday: Diabetes Hope Unites Us All~

Today is the official day where those of us living with or affected by diabetes, 
wear our hope not only in our heart, but we write it on our hand(s)..And in our hand(s) as well.

Not only do we have hope, but all of us (and regardless of the diabetes type,) 

are united in our diabetes hope.
Hence the Blue Circle for Diabetes~

Monday, April 1, 2013

LOLing About Diabetes Over At Discuss Diabetes

Today you can find me & talking about laughter and diabetes over at Discuss Diabetes  website with Sanofi's Laura Kolodjeski & The Bad Diabetic's Patrick O'Hara & I'm honored that they asked me to join in the "discussion."
Using humor when it comes to dealing with my diabetes is a huge coping mechanism for me & I can honestly say that laughing about my diabetes helps me own my diabetes. 
Laughing helps me deal with the blood sugar ups and downs, the diabetes tears, the annoying and ever so present Diabetes Police/idiots, the Diabetes What-If's & everything else that living with diabetes 365 days a year brings.

And lets face it,  if you live with diabetes or other chronic illnesses, you can't help but have a twisted sense of humor!  And those of us with busted pancreases & wonky metabolisms are all a bit bent - but in a great way ;)

Please check out the LOL discussion over @ Discuss Diabetes & have a great April Fool's Day & continue to be twisted!